Chapter 1

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Naruto breathed heavily as he ran from a mob. They chased him all over the streets with pitchforks and torches, the ninja carried kunai. They screamed profanities at him as they turned a corner.

To Naruto's horror, as he ran he bumped into someone falling backwards.

"Woah," A smooth voice said. "Sorry about that." They person noticed the look of fear on the Uzumaki's face as he screwed his eyes shut. "You okay, kid?"

Naruto shakily pointed behind him at the mob that was coming closer and closer. He scrambled behind the boy peeking his head to look at them.

"Oh." The man's voice was calm but had a dangerous edge to it. "May I help you?" He asked when they stopped in front of him.

"We're here to slay the demon!" A chunin shouted making Naruto flinch.

"Is that so?" The black haired teen was still relaxed with his hands in his pockets and his back slouched. His bright green eyes studied the people as they gripped their improvised weapons.

"Y-yeah!" A civilian spoke but he sounded unsure.

"Then we're going to have some problems." In a flash, the man moved his leg and kicked a chunin in the side of the head sending him crashing into a wall. He glared at the villagers. "Any by other problems?" He received no response. "Good. I don't want to see any of you harming this child in any way. Do I make myself clear?"

They nodded fearfully.

"Great! Now scram!" They scrambled away, some dragging the chunin, and the boy sighed. He ran a hand through his dark hair and faced the child cowering behind him. "You okay now?"

Naruto nodded and looked at the boy with wonder. No one had ever stood up for him besides the Sandaime. "Thanks, Mister!" He beamed. "I'm Naruto!"

The teenager gave a small smile. "Percy Jackson."


Naruto stared at him. Where had he heard that name before? Iruka-sensei! He remembered him talking about Percy Jackson, or Perseus Jackson, the right hand man of the first Hokage. "Y-you're Perseus Jackson."

The boy, now known as Percy, scratched the back of his head. "Yeah. I go by Percy though."

"But how are you alive?" Naruto wondered.

"It's a long story. Maybe I'll tell you later." Percy ruffled his hair. "So, where were you headed before those jerk stopped you?"

"H-hokage-jii's tower." The blonde pointed at the largest building in the village.

"Well, then I guess I'll walk you there." He studied him. "First, I wanna know something. If you had a chance to, would you kill the people that wronged you?"

"What?! No!" Naruto shouted.

Percy raised his hands up. "Chill. It was just a question. Good answer by the way." He smiled. "I just wanted to know something. How would you feel about signing a summoning contract?"

"A summoning contract?! Really?!" Naruto had heard about them. Really strong ninja had contracts.

"Yeah, and get this." He leaned forward. "You can summon a god."

"A god?! What kind? Is it a fire god?"

"No. He's more or less an all around type of god. He has master over all affinities but mainly water." Percy ran a hand through his hair. He opened a bag in his side and took out a small scroll the size of his hand. "Since this is summons something different then other contracts it has a different process. First you sign your name on blood and under it a thumb print. After, if the boss accepts you then you will receive a tattoo on your wrist. If he doesn't then the blood will slide right off."

Naruto was excited. He was possibly going to summon a god, an actual god. He bit his thumb and signed his name. He half expected the blood to not stick. "He accepted me!"

"Of course I did. I gave you the contract." Percy huffed.

Naruto gaped. "Y-you're a god?" He rubbed his thumb over the trident tattoo on his wrist.

"Yup." There was a poof of smoke and in his place was a black cat with sea green eyes. "And I can change into animals." He hopped onto the Uzumaki's shoulder. "Onward!"

"Cool!" Naruto walked to the Hokage's tower petting the cat on his shoulder as he went. He talked to him about the academy and how one day he was going to beat Sasuke-teme and ask Sakura-chan on a date. Percy just listened purring in contentment.


The Sandaime sat in his office praying for a distraction from his paperwork when his surrogate grandson bounded in with a cat on his shoulder. "Hey, Jiijii!"

"Ah, hello, Naruto-kun." Sarutobi said placing his papers down. "Where did you find the cat?"

Naruto went to tell him about the contract but he felt Percy gently swipe his tail on his shoulder as if to tell him no. "I found him on the streets. I think he likes me." He scratched Percy's head and he purred.

"I see."

He felt bad about lying to the Hokage but he knew that he would take away the scroll.

"Make sure to take good care of him, Naruto-kun."

"I will. Don't worry." He waved at him. "Well, I should go so you can get back to your work. Bye, Jiijii."

"Bye, Naruto-kun."

When the boy left he slammed his head on the desk. "NOOOO!"


Percy hopped off of Naruto's shoulder and explored the apartment. "You need more food." He stuck his head in a cabinet. "I'll go grocery shopping in the morning before you go to school."

"Okay." Naruto yawned. "There's a room across from mine you can use."

"M'kay. Thanks, Naruto."

"You're welcome, Percy."

Naruto flopped down on his bed and looked at his ceiling. Today was an interesting day. He had thought that it was going to end with the mob beating him but instead he was defended by a legend and then received a summoning contract from said legend.

He slowly drifted to sleep. "Today was..awesome."

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