Chapter 14

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Percy's plan worked, as the man said, alarmingly well.

Sakura, Sasuke, and Naruto were trying their best to get along during their D rank missions. In some cases, when tensions were high, Sasuke would storm off to stand near Kakashi while Naruto went to Percy. Sakura would alternate going to either man when she needed a distraction, though she preferred Percy more. The god would sometimes transform into a cat when he noticed her anxiety spiking and would purr as she patted his head.

During their free time, Percy would teach them dirty fighting (scratching eyes, throat punching, elbow jabs, judo flips, and more) and they took to it like ducks to water which was... concerning. They were happier than when they would con the god into paying for their dinner at the barbeque place. When Gai agreed to spar the children after Kakashi asked, the poor man left the training grounds in tears.

Needless to say, the Chaotic Trio was something to be feared.

Kakashi had decided to have them do three D rank missions. If they failed to work together on even one of them, he would not talk to the Hokage about potentially going on a C rank. Sadly, the Chaotic Trio managed to succeed and they were on their way to the Hokage Tower.

"Ah, how great!" Percy grinned widely, stretching his arms over his head. "I bet the old man will easily give us one. He probably already has one in mind."

"Well, you did let him know ahead of time what we were doing," Kakashi pointed out to the other, keeping an eye on the chaotic trio as they walked ahead of the two adults.

Percy pouted at him, crossing his arms. "Aw, you found out?"

"Eh, yeah but I didn't think you'd tell him that they'd succeed. You couldn't have been sure."

The god snorted, shaking his head. "No, I meant it before when I said that they're dumbasses. I knew for a fact that they'd force themselves to work together. They want to feel like real ninjas and go outside the village to fight some shit. It's just what baby genin do."

Kakashi glanced at him before nodding. "Yeah, I guess you're right. How do you feel about going on the C rank?"

"I'm going to be honest, I could think of five other things I'd rather be doing but I'm not going to just leave Naruto to do his first real mission without me. What kind of dad would I be?"

"Ah, so he actually called you that?"

Percy grinned happily, looking over at Naruto, who was telling something to Sakura, who actually seemed to be listening, that involved flailing limbs. "Yeah, he's a good kid. I'm honored that I can be part of the family he needs. I just hope I don't let him down."

"I don't think you actually can," Kakashi confessed, crossing his arms. "You couldn't do anything wrong in that kid's eyes. He thinks you're the coolest thing. He talks about you all the time when you're not around."

The god's cheeks turned pink slightly. "Well, he's... Naruto's the best of us all. He's very caring and will stop at nothing to get what he wants done. If he has chosen to look up to me..." He glanced at Kakashi. "I guess I'll just have to stick around a little longer."


"I have just the C rank for you," The Hokage said as he pulled out a scroll. He was doing a very good job at ignoring Percy, who was going through a drawer next to him where he hid some snacks for when he worked on paperwork. In all honestly, he was almost completely used to it. It was hilarious when his ANBU guards tried to stop the god only to fail spectacularly. "You are to escort Tazuna-san, a bridge builder, back to Wave and protect him as he finishes the bridge there. Tazuna-san?" He motioned for someone to come inside.

"These are who're supposed to be protecting me?" A voice slurred, a slight smell of alcohol reaching Percy and Naruto's noses.

Percy frowned heavily in Tazuna's direction.

Tazuna snorted when he fully took in the people in the room. "All I see is an emo kid, a pink blob, some short sunshine thing, and-" He was cut off when Percy leveled a glare at the man.

The god raised a kunai at him, narrowing his eyes. "Oh, I dare you to continue."

The poor man paled before he turned to the Hokage, clearing his throat. "Those three," He gestured to the Chaotic Trio. "Are children, Sandaime-sama."

The Hokage sighed, rubbing his face tiredly. "I am aware, Tazuna-san, but I believe that this group is best equipped for the job." Not to mention that Percy also may or may not have strong-armed him into giving the children the C rank mission.

"We're Jounin," Kakashi spoke up, gesturing to himself and Percy. "You won't have to worry while we're around."

Percy opened his mouth to say something but snapped it shut abruptly when Kakashi elbowed him in the stomach. He smiled tightly, nodding his head as he pinched Kakashi's side as payback. "Don't worry," His grin widened. "You won't have to worry while we're around."

Tazuna pointed at the god. "See, I don't like it when you say it."

"Maa, it's fine. He won't attack you so long as you don't make prolonged eye contact. Honestly, it's not even him you have to be wary of." Kakashi gestured to the children, who all had a manic look in their eyes at the thought of traveling outside of the village. "It's the Chaotic Trio."


Once the group came up with a proper formation to take while walking, Kakashi and Percy walked together to talk once more. It wasn't like they were going to make conversation with Tazuna.

"So..." Percy stretched his arms once more over his head, yawning widely. "Are we going to ask why a bridge builder needs someone to guard him?"

"Mm... Nah. Maybe one of the kids will bring it up."

"Ha! Not a chance."

Kakashi sighed. "Not even Sasuke, huh?"

"Kashi, they're the Chaotic Trio for a reason. I don't think any of them have ever thought something through once in their damn lives."

The silver-haired Jounin snorted. "Yeah, you have a point there. Have you heard the news about Wave?"

"Maybe but tell me about it anyways."

Kakashi crossed his arms. "Well, apparently a mob boss or some shit has set up shop there. Thousand yen says that's why Tazuna wants our help."

"That's a suckers bet, Kashi. It- Oh."

Oh was what Percy said as a metal claw snapped out of the ground and sliced Kakashi in two.

"You better have left me in your will. Chaotic Trio?" He gestured at the two enemies that appeared, a sadistic grin on his face. "Go wild."


words: 1,136

song: Chlorine - Twenty One Pilots (slowed)

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