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There's a pic above of Nina Dobrev who I imagine as Summer. Enjoy the chapter.

I walked into the cafeteria and found that there were no tables nor chairs. Weird for a cafeteria. I watched as everyone started to sit down near a giant window showing a view of a beautiful forest up ahead.

I went and sat down in the back, expecting the floor to be freezing, but instead I got a butt full of warmth. I heard groans and an 'ugh' sound as I turned around and saw the brat of a blonde, Sabrina. She had a discussed look on her face," This is just gross. I am not sitting on this filthy floor. Do you want me to get my skirt dirty? I wanna make a good first impression on the boys." She smirked and walked over to a couch that held pillows and grabbed one, dropping it down on the floor because carefully sitting on top of it.

I rolled my eyes. "Princess" I muttered. I turned back as I heard someone clear their throat. It was the above forty year old that was in our cabin earlier.

"Ladies, ladies, take your seat please. My name is Mr. Young. I am the advisor and main instructor at this camp. If you have questions come to me or any of the other instructors. I'm also the camp doctor so if you need medical assistance, be sure to stop by my cabin."

I started to pick at my fingernails as he went on. I know how these camps work. I've never been to one before but my friends told me all about them whenever they went to one.

"Well, enough about me, it's time to introduce the other advisors who will be joining us. As you most probably know already, they are celebrity guests from an Oscar winning movie; The Maze Runner."

I straitened up as soon as I said those words. I couldn't help but smile. I am literally about to meet my favourite actors of all time! There's only one thing I need to remember, stay fudging cool Summer!

"So I it would be my pleasure to bring them out in the cafeteria of Mountain Dew Camp. Please welcome, Ki Hong Lee, Will Poulter...." They came out one by one as their names were called. I was freaking out inside, yet I kept a smooth smile on my face.

"....Dylan o'Brien and Thomas Sangster." As he called those last names I could barely breath. Dylan, he's just perfect. His hair is in that Teen Wolf style, and he's got a bit of stubble on his face. I couldn't take my eyes off him.

"We are so privileged to have you four join us on this camp, and might I say again, probably for the tenth time, thank you for helping my camp by donating money." Mr. Young then started clapping and everyone else joined. The four boys were all turning red in embarrassment." Now, I know this is an all girl camp, and these four boys are all rather handsome." Everyone gave a few chuckles, as well as the boys." Let me get this straight. There will be no sexual interactions with these boys, no touching, no kanoodling and no, as you teenagers call it, French kissing."

I made a discusted face, the boys looked like they turned even more red.

"Do I make myself clear? These rules will be followed." I saw him eyeing Sabrina. "Now, enough about me and the rules, let's now give these boys a chance to speak to us. Ki Hong Lee, you go first." Everyone clapped as the Asian boy stepped forward while thanking Mr. Young.

"Hey everyone what's up? As you all know, my name is Ki Hong Lee, uh, also known for my character name Minho. If you like you may call me by that name, I know most people forget how to say my name which I have caught on, so you may call me Ki Hong Lee, or Minho, your choice."

I instantly told myself I would call him Minho, not that he's name is hard to remember, but I would love to call him by his character name from the movie. It would sound like I was in the movie somehow and I got to call him Minho.

"Let me tell you a bit about myself, unless you have already looked up facts about me. Me knowing fans, they can get quite crazy." Everyone laughed in a way to say that what he said is true. And I agree, I am a fan, and I can get crazy sometimes.

"Well, I'm Asian, obviously. I like root beer, and I'm in love with chocolate. I could marry it if it was legal." He seemed very proud. "Uh, oh, just to tell you, just like in the movie, I am the fastest one." There was a scoff coming from the other boys behind him.

"That's not true." It was Dylan.

"Uh, yeah." Minho protested.

"Thomas is the fastest."

There was a moment of silence as everyone looked at Thomas. Dylan was smirking until he saw where we were all looking. "No. Not him! Thomas, from the movie. My character. I swear it's so confusing sometimes with the names." Dylan threw his hands in the air and dropped them down annoyed.

"Um, ok then." Minho continued. "Well,uh, I'm gonna be the instructor for the opstical courses you will encounter here, and don't think I'll go easy on you just because your girls and I'm a big softy, I will make you feel pain." He gave us that evil smirk.

"Alright, now, I'm done, so, Will, you can go next man." He patted Will on the back. Will stepped forward and rubbed his hands.

"Alright, um, I'm Will, also known as Gally. Like Ki Hong, you may call me my character name if you would like. Um, I'm British and from England."

"No, your British and your from New Jersey." Dylan made another comment behind them. Will just turned and stared, smiling like he was killing him slowly in his mind.

He turned back." Right. I'm gonna be the instructor for the Arts and Crafts we will do on the weekends. So I hope you like to draw." He smiled to say he's done.

He looks over to Dylan, who gave a smile and walked forward, fist pumping each other.

"Well hello there ladies." He gave us all a smirk which made most of us giggle. I literally had butterflies.

"As you know, my names Dylan o'Brien, my character is Thomas, but with me, don't call me Thomas, like I said earlier, there will be confusion between me and the reality Thomas over here." He pointed at Thomas who gave a quick wave.

"So you are gonna have to call me Dylan, sorry to say, I know my real name isn't cool enough but your gonna have to use it."

I didn't mind at all.

"So I will be in control of the kitchen. Yes I cook and yes I know you were expecting a professional and no he retired. Again, I'm sorry. I'm also in control of the sport sessions we will be doing so, be prepared for fitness. We will be doing basic stuff like soccer, volleyball, hockey anything basic."

Well, there goes my chance to impress.

"Well, I know you are enjoying me talking right now, I know I am, but now I need to get off this stage and introduce the reality Thomas. Woop woop!" He cheered and clapped he's hands which made us all do so.

Thomas walked forward and smiled nervously. "Hi everyone, as you already know my name is Thomas, also known as Newt, my character." He said in he's British accent. It was actually cuter in person.

"Well, I am going to be in charge of the pool area when we do swimming activities and when we take walked down to the river and waterfall. So I hope you brought your floaties."

He smiled which caused dimples. It was adorable. Mr. Young came back into the centre. "Alright, thanks guys. It's only three at the moment and dinner happens at six, so lay back for three hours and explore the camp if you wish. You may now departure."

We all got up and walked out. I caught a glimpse of the boys as I watched them talking to Mr young in the corner. I smiled and continued to awards my cabin.

I can tell that I will enjoy it here.

Hey guys, I am ultimately sorry for not updating earlier, no signal for a weekend, then school, reports and then more school.

I promise I will update as soon as I can.

Love you guys!!!

Butterflies//Thomas Brodi Sangster FFWhere stories live. Discover now