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Pic of the cafeteria above ^

I didn't really have anything to pack away when I got back to my cabin. By my surprise my clothes actually fit in the little draw next to my bed.

However, like she said, Sabrina had dramatically taken over at least two more beds in the cabin. Girls who came in here to find a bed had to leave as soon as they saw there were no beds.

I decided to take a walk around the camp. It was warm and quite, I liked it when I could have some peace and quite to myself. I walked around towards the campsite where we will be having bonfires. It was pretty big for all us girls to sit around. Including the guys of course.

"They expect us to sit on these dirty things they call seats? Gross." I turned to see Sabrina with two other girls behind her. They looked pretty fake as well, it was kinda seeing a reality version of Mean Girls. God I hate that movie.

I then turned my attention to something else. I saw a girl near the camp fountain playing the guitar. I recognised the song she was playing.

I walked up to her slowly so she could finish the song before I said anything. But instead she stopped midway and looked up at me. "Oh, don't stop, please, continue." I waved my hands to tell her to continue, but she just smiled lightly and didn't move. "Please, don't mind me. I was just stopping by to listen."

"No it's ok. I can take a break. Been playing for a while and haven't gotten a single dollar. You see I'm broke and I had just enough to pay for this camp and now I'm trying to pay back my parents since they work as slaves in an underground illegal business." She didn't seem to be bothered by what she was saying. I however was completely mortified at what I just heard. I stared at her silently, taking everything in. "Are you serious? That's terrible. Here." I dug in my pocket and luckily found a dollar.

I put it in front of her, but she didn't take it. She just looked at it with a smile. Was she laughing?

"What's so funny? I'm donating money to you and-"

"Dude, I was joking." She gave me the look like 'you bought that?' kinda way. I froze, and stared at her in disbelief." What?"

"You should'eve seen your face when I told you. Priceless."

I just stood there like a loser. I didn't know what to say. She then looked up at me and realised. "Hey, relax, it was a joke. It was funny. Don't worry I'm not gonna tell the whole camp that you fall easily with lies."

"I do not." I smiled a little. She gestured me to sit down next to her.

"What's your name?" She asked curious.


"Sweet name. I'm May."

"Seems like I'm not the only one with a sweet name." I commented with a smile. May was a really nice name after all.

"Well, it's not that big of a deal, my birthdays in May and my parents couldn't decide what to call me. So they of the first name they thought of, after two days." She said with a snort.

"Well, at least it's unique." We both giggled before silence decided to creep in.

"Um, the song that you were playing earlier..."

"Oh you mean this one?" She started to strum her beautiful guitar to create the song she played before. She played the chorus and then stopped.

"Yeah, Iris from The goo goo dolls."

"Yeah, you know your music." She smiled impressively.

I couldn't help but smirk and pretend to pop my collar. "Yeah, you know, I know everything."

May scoffed in disbelief.

I then noticed some bags next to her." Hey, why do you have your bags with you? Didn't find your cabin?"

She looked over at her bags." No, got here a little late and had to head to the cafeteria as I arrived. I have the name of the cabin, just too lazy to go find it." We both shared a chuckle.

"What's it's name?" I asked politely.

"Something like, butterfly something."

My eyes widened with surprise and joy." The butterfly cabin? That's where I'm staying." I said a bit to overly cheerful, she kinda scooted away from me, playfully.
"Oh sorry."

"Nah, it's cool. So, we're cabin roomies? Awesome. At least I know one of them so far." She looked thankful.

"Have you seen the boys yet?"

"Yeah, not really my cup of tea." She said as she started strumming another song.

"What? Why?"

"I don't know, they're too, full of them self's. " I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Ok" I scoffed. "Let's take you to our cabin and get you moved in ok?" She smiled and nodded.

We got up and picked up her bags, heavy might I add, and headed for our cabin.

Hi guys, sorry for the late update. Busy with school. Will be another one soon.

Butterflies//Thomas Brodi Sangster FFWhere stories live. Discover now