Kitty ^~^

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Alright I decided to do a cat, Crack chapter (sorta) and I'll do the amusement park as the next one ^~^

Someone suggested I use that as the ending, so Ima just take a vote here. Do you want me to end the story and start writing the endings, or do you want me to carry on with this? Please voice your opinion ^~^ (I never realized how often I use that face OoO)

In other news, Nakashima_Yuki I love you for drawing my avatar/character and putting it in your art book, I was at a friends house, started screaming of joy, and they looked at me as if I needed an exocism. Thank you!! -one cookie has been added to your inventory-


"ENGLAND! WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?!" I yell through the house, most likely waking up every single person in my house. The reason I yelled? Well the fact that I'm a cat kinda tipped me off.

A ginger furred kitten with blue glasses on her face popped up next me. "I'd say swear jar but I have no thumbs."

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I'll pay you back once we get back as human."

"Thanks for your patronage!" The ginger Kitty cheers.

"Alright." I begin, "to that tea bastard's room." And I receive a glare and a nod from a ticked off kirby.

"What? I may as well rack up while I can, here I'll pay twice as much than usual per curse." And I get a satisfied nod as we pad across the floor to a certain English man- I mean cat's room.

Thankfully the door was cracked open and we were able to push it open with ease.

Inside we saw a frazzled cat with the characteristic green eyes and eyebrows.


The male cat jumped about a foot off the floor and scowled, "what?! I'm sorry about this situation, I meant to teach myself how to cook by using magic but I accidentally said the Latin word for cat instead of cook..."

"Iggy! Dude, why have I been turned into a fluff ball!?" America, or Americat in this case yells as he slides across the hardwood floor and knocks into a wall .

We all just sigh as all of the other country cats fill the hall.

"Can you all calm down? You interrupted my nap." A feminine voice  unlike any of the countries pipes up, and emerging through the middle of the crowd, was Angel.

"Angel!?" Iggy exclaims, "You can understand us?"

"Of course I can, you all speak cat. Idiot... (Y/n)!" She quickly pads over to me and gives me the cat equivalent of a hug.

"Hi fur bby." I kitty smile, and cat-hug back.

"I'm not an idiot for your information." England cat scowls, then his eyes light up, "I know how to turn us back, but it's going to be a couple hours until my magic returns to full power. I'm also going to need to use the restroom..."

Every pair of cat eyes shifted to him as he made the realization that we could not use the toilet.

"Someone is going to have to clean the litter box after this and it isn't me" I said, locking eye contact with a certain nub tailed cat *cough* england *cough cough*.

"Bloody hell, why did I mess up?"

"Worry not my recently furrified friends! I will teach you how to live and act like a cat until that English bastard can change y'all back!" Angel reassures, and we all nod.

"To the litter box!"

(Timeskip because ummm y'know)




The country cats all flew down the hall sliding across the wood floor.

"There you go!" Angel cheers.

She had taught them the joys of sliding, promising my that nothing would be knocked over since you can kinda control where you go.

"Alright (y/n), your turn." She nudges me to the starting point, the carpeted family room.

Taking a small step back, I then launch into a sprint, and once I hit wood, stop moving my feet and I slide around a pair of shoes and into a cardboard box we placed to stop us. I was then slammed into by a grey cat and a ginger cat, AKA: Kirby and Ivan.

"No wonder my cats do that!" Kirby chirps, "that's so fun!!"

"Da~!" Ivan-cat agrees, as we all file out of the box.

After a few hours, the magic trio cats come out of my basement, "The spell is prepared." Norway- cat replies in his usual monotone voice, "follow us please." Romania cat adds in with a fanged kitty smile.

The cats all pad over to the basement and into a magic circle. Some unintelligible words are chanted and everything goes black.

---time skip because this chapter has taken too long to write I'm so sorry reader-Chan!!!! >^<---

Waking up to the sight of the basement jarred me for a second, until I remembered what happened, and a realization hit me.


"Hm?" The the red headed author looks to me.

"I just realized." I squint, "you could've changed us back this entire time couldn't you have?!"

And the redhead disappeared, her nervous laughter echoing in the basement.



Ok so I've started school, and swim season has started, and I'm really sorry that I have gotten what? 3 legit updates this entire year, but don't worry, this is totally my fault! While I barely have time in the school year, I should really be working on updates. And this is such a short chapter because of this.

I'm really sorry >^<


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