Chapter Four.

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I snuggled into my blankets. The sunlight began to peek its way through my curtains. I felt a small fuzzball nudge my cheek. I grumbled.

"Get up. Get up master." a small voice whispered. The fuzzball nudged my cheek again. "Come on. We have to go." I grumbled and opened my eyes slightly. Sitting in front of me was a bright eyed little Fennekin. Her little smile grew when she saw my eyes open. "Yay you're awake!" She cheered, bouncing up and down on the bed. I couldn't help but smile at the sight of her. "Are you ready? Are you ready for our big adventure?" She asked, obviously overjoyed. I rubbed my eyes and giggled softly.

"Hope, I'm just waking up here." I said with a yawn.

"Oh. Sorry." said Hope, sitting down on the bed. Her little tail was wagging furiously. You'd think she was a dog and not a fox. I sat up and stretched. Hope hopped onto my lap and looked up at me with a big smile on her face.

"You really want to go on this adventure don't you?" I asked. She nodded and stood up.

"Yeah! It'll be so much fun!" She said, bouncing on my lap. I chuckled.

"Alright. Come on. I'm getting up." I said, lifting her off my lap and getting up.

"Yaay!" Hope cheered. I stretched, walked over to the door and opened it. Hope hopped off the bed and darted through the door. I followed her out and and was greeted with the ever amazing scent of cinnamon. I smiled and walked into the kitchen where my trainer was making some french toast. He looked over his shoulder and smiled.

"Good morning ladies." He said with a bright smile. I smiled back sleepily.

"Mornin'." I said, yawning.

"Good morning!" Hope cheered, running around his feet. He smiled, looking down at her.

"You seem cheerful." He said, smiling. I giggled.

"Sometimes I forget you can't understand other Pokemon." I said, sitting down at the table. He went back to working on the toast.

"What do you mean? What did she say?" He asked.

"Good morning!" Hope cheered again. I smiled.

"She says good morning." I translated, using my arm to prop my head up on the table. He chuckled and put some toast on a plate.

"Would Hope like some French Toast?" He asked. Hope began to bounce up and down.

"Yes! Yes! With extra syrup!" Hope exclaimed. I giggled.

"She says Yes. With extra syrup." I translated.

"Ok then." He said, pulling out another plate and putting a piece of toast on it. He turned off the stove, picked up the plates and set them on the table. Hope hopped on the chair and started hopping, trying to get onto the table. He chuckled and picked her up, carrying her with him to get the syrup. He opened the cabinet and took out the syrup and walked back over to the table, setting down both Hope and the syrup. Hope sat next to her plate and I picked up the syrup, pouring some onto my french toast.

"I want some!" Hope said, her tail still wagging as my trainer went over to the cabinet to get me a glass and Hope a dish.

"Alright, just give me a moment." I said as I finished pouring the syrup onto my toast. "Ok, how much do you want?"I asked.

"Lots! But not so much that you completely drown it." Hope replied. He looked over to us as he opened the fridge.

"What would you two like?" He asked.

"Milk!" Hope and I said in sync, giggling afterwards. He chuckled.

"Milk for the both of you?" He asked.

"Yeah." I replied as I poured the syrup onto Hope's toast. Hope licked her lips and he poured the milk into my glass and Hope's dish. After he put the milk away, he picked up Hope's dish and my glass and brought them over to the table.

"Ok. Here's your milk." He said as he put down our milks. "I have to run out to the store. I shouldn't be too long."

"Oh? What are you getting?" I asked.

"Just some more milk and stuff like that. Unfortunately the nearest grocery store is all the way in Lumiose. It's not that far of a walk and it's even shorter of a bike ride, but still." He said.

"Oh ok. Well after this we're gonna be on our way. Isn't that right, Hope?" I said, looking to Hope. She looked up from lapping the syrup off her toast.

"Yeah!" She replied, then went back to her syrup. I giggled softly.

"Well, sorry to say I can't wait for you. I want to get there before Lumiose gets flooded with people. Diantha's going to be in town today and you know how her fans get. Regardless if she's Champion or not, they all still love her as an actress." he said as he picked up his bag off of the empty chair. "But, if you two aren't here by the time I get back, I wish the best of luck to you." I nodded.

"Thanks. Have fun at the store." I said.

"Thanks. I might need it." He said, walking out the door. I smiled and ate my toast and sipped my milk. Hope hopped off the table, her plate and dish completely cleaned, and walked over to my bag that sat on the couch. I looked over and she was digging through it.

"Hey," I said, standing up, "what're you doing?" She then hopped out of the bag holding a small wizard's cape in her teeth. She set it down on the couch and looked at me.

"Could you please put this on me?" She asked. It was a small purple and pink cape. It was designed to look like a Mismagius. I took a sip of milk.

"Ok." I said, setting down my glass and walking over to her. I knelt down and took the little cape from her, laying it on her back and tying the little drawstrings around her neck. Aw, the little drawstrings look like Mismagius's arms. After I tied it into a little bow, Hope jumped up and down.

"Yay! Thank you!" she said. I giggled.

"Ok. So after I finish my breakfast, you ready to go?" I asked.

"Yeah!" She cheered, her tail still wagging. I smiled.

"Alright then." I said, standing up.

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