Chapter Six.

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I sat down with Hope and my new Pikachu sitting on the table in front of me. Nurse joy came over to us.

"Ok. Some Moo Moo milk for Hope, a lollipop for Pikachu and some iced tea with Honey in it for Chastity." She said as she set our stuff in front of us. As soon as he got a chance, Pikachu took the lollipop and started licking and sucking on it.

"Thank you Joy. Can you believe that the cafe won't let me in?" I asked. She nodded.

"Unfortunately I can. To them, you're just a Pokemon. Maybe once you get Viola's gym badge they'll respect you a little bit more." said Joy. I nodded.

"And once I'm Champion, they'll all have to respect me as a trainer, right?" I asked.

"I'd suppose. Well, I have to get back to work but before I do I just wanted to let you know that Viola's Pokemon are level 10 and 12. I don't remember which one's which though. " She said. I nodded.

"Ok. I guess we'll have to do some grinding then." I said. "Thank you for everything, Joy." She smiled.

"Of course. You're welcome." She said, walking away. I sipped my tea and turned back to my Pokemon. Pikachu's lollipop was all ready gone.

"Wow. You really love lolis, huh?" I asked. He nodded. "I think I'm gonna call you Loli. Ok?" He smiled.

"Ok!" He said. I smiled.

"Ok. We're gonna have to do some serious training in order to beat Viola. I know she's a bug type gym leader with a Surskit. So Hope, you might have some trouble with that." I said. Hope nodded. "But, we have the advantage. Bugs are weak against fire and water's weak against electric. So, once we're done here, you two ready to do some grinding?"

"Yeah!" Hope and Loli cheered.

A few hours of seemingly endless grinding later...

"Ok Chastity. Here are your Pokemon." Said Joy, handing me back my Pokemon. I took them from her.

"Thank you Joy." I said, putting them on my belt.

"I see you guys have been training." She said.

"Yeah. Level 15 now." I said. Joy smiled.

"That's great. You'll be able to take out Viola in no time." Joy said joyfully. Then suddenly everyone in the Pokemon Center huddled around the television. "Huh. I wonder what's going on. I walked over and joined the group.

~"Today Youngster Joey has been found dead on Route 2. His body was gutted and he appeared to have bite marks on his arms and face. No one knows who it may be. If you have any information on the murder of Youngster Joey, please call your local police station."~

"Oh my Arceus." I muttered. Joy shook her head.

"That's such a shame." She said. I walked back over to the counter.

"Yeah. I wonder who could have done such a thing." I said.

"There's rumor of a cannibalistic Snivy running around." Said a lass from behind me. "I heard that he recently got a trainer or something."

"Wow. That's so crazy. Well, we've got a gym to beat. Wish us luck." I said as I walked out of the Pokemon center. It was starting to get dark. I walked into the Pokemon gym and the guy next to the pillar looked at me in surprise.

"Hey there! Are you here to battle Viola?" he asked. I nodded. "Well, just go down that hole there. I'm sure you know that she's a bug type leader. So go forth and good luck future champ!" I smiled and jumped down the hole instead of sliding down the string, landing on the spiderweb below. Part of me wants to follow the dewdrop path but another part of me actually wants to battle the other two trainers. Hm...I'll just follow the dewdrops. I looked down as I began to walk. It doesn't seem it at first, but this web is only a few feet off the ground. I walked along the dew-dropped path. I wonder why these dewdrops are here. Does she have her Surskit put them here after every battle? I don't know.

"Hold it right there!" Said a girl from beside me as I was about to walk up to Viola. She hopped down from the plank she stood on. "You can't battle Viola! You're just a Pokemon!" I glared at her.

"Is that so?" I asked. She crossed her arms and nodded. I looked down and back up at her. I smiled and pushed her to the side and she fell through the gap in the web.

"AGH! MY LEG! I THINK IT'S BROKEN!" She cried. I chuckled and walked up to Viola. My smile faded at the sight in front of me. Viola was on her hands and knees, sobbing, scrubbing some kind of red substance. She looked up and rubbed her eye and sniffed.

"A-are you here to battle me?" She asked. I nodded and she stood up. "Alright." She wiped the tears away from her eyes. "Let's battle." She pulled out a Pokeball and threw it into the air. It opened and in a brilliant flash of white, a Vivillon appeared before me. I cocked an eyebrow.

"Where's your Surskit?" I asked. She closed her eyes and looked away.

"Just send out your Pokemon." She said, her voice drenched in sadness. I blinked and grabbed a Pokeball from my belt and threw it into the air.

"Go, Hope!" I called out. And in a brilliant flash Hope stood in front of me.

"Vivillon, Infestation!" Viola called.

"Hope, dodge it and Ember!" I called. Hope jumped up and away from where Vivillon was aiming. Hope opened her mouth and shot small flames at Vivillon, hitting her in the wings. She yelped and fell to the ground. "Alright! Now Flame Charge!" I called.

"Come on Vivillon! Shake it of and get out of there!" Viola called. Vivillon tried to stand up as Hope cloaked herself in fire and charged. Vivillon finally got up and flew into the air as Hope ran past. Hope screeched to a halt and spun around. "Vivillon, tackle!"

"Hope, howl!" I called. Hope threw up her head and howled, raising both her spirit and her attack stat. Vivillon flew towards Hope at top speed, slamming into her. "Hope, scratch!"

"Harden!" Vivillon floated there. I guess that's how harden works? Hope jumped up to Vivillon and slashed her. Vivillon fell to the ground unconscious. I smiled and Viola sighed, calling back her Vivillon. Hope hopped around.

"We did it! We did it!" She cheered.

"Well, since Vivillon is my...only Pokemon, you have won. Congratulations." Said Viola. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a badge and a TM. "Here you go. The Bug Badge and TM83 Infestation." She held out the two and I took them.

"Thank you Viola." I said. She nodded and I pulled out Hope's pokeball, calling her back. "So, if you don't mind me asking, what happened?" Viola sighed.

"A trainer came in here earlier and challenged me to a battle. I threw out my Surskit and he called out his Snivy. And..." She took a deep breath, holding back tears.

"It's ok." I said, pocketing the TM. "You don't have to continue. I get the point." She nodded. "You need a hug?" She nodded. I walked over to her and hugged her. She wrapped her arms around me and buried her face in my shoulder, sobbing. I patted her back. "Oh, it's ok. Viola. It's ok. Everything will get better. You'll see." She nodded. "You know what you have to do?"

"What?" She asked, her voice muffled by my hoodie.

"You need to close the gym and go to the police. You're not the only victim to this guy. Youngster Joey was found dead earlier and now this is all over the news. They said of you have any information to go to the police. Can you do that?" I asked. She nodded and pulled away.

"That monster has to be stopped." She said, wiping away her tears.

"Alright. I'll walk with you to the exit." I said. She smiled and we walked up the staircase, exiting the gym.

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