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I made this title for all the 1D fans! HARRY STYLES IS BAE!!!:) Thank you guys so much for the number of reads! HONESTLY! 1.61K READS!!!! ARE YOU SHUCKING KIDDING ME?! Thanks again and sorry for the last chapter's cliff hanger! I ABSOLUTELY HATE CLIFFIES!!!! But here's the next chapter!
Also, if you haven't noticed, all these chapter's are named after 1D songs that I think completely relate. Anyway let's start the chapter!
Uriah's POV
When Tris said that she might as well end it all, something broke inside of me.
" Babe, come back here! Let's finish what we started!" Marlene's pesky annoying voice called from my bed.
"Yep! Be there in a sec," I responded
I slowly walked up to her and continued making out with her. The kisses I shared with Marlene were different as I didn't feel a spark which I normally felt when kissing Tris.

Then I realised something. Right at this second Tris could be plummeting to her death as a result of my actions. I shoved Marlene out of the way and immediately ran to the chasm. I knew she would be here as it's the only place where if you wanted to commit suicide, you have no chance of surviving. I saw Tris standing on the ledge. I sprinted towards her.

She took a step. Just as she was going to fall to her death, I caught her by the scruff of her neck.

Tris's POV
"Don't you dare die on me today." Uriah whispered.

Sorry it was pretty short! What did you think though?! Ok that's all from me!

More Than This (Uris love story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora