Chapter 9

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Kylie POV

"You look great. You ready to go, Lee?"

I took a deep breath to reply...

"Yes," I exhaled.

"Alright then, let's get to it," he grinned at me.

Peter climbed back out my window. I nearly followed him when I realized that I didn't have my bow. I held up a finger to tell him to wait, and basically dove into the back of my closet to grab it.

While Spider-Man waited patiently for me outside, I threw a pillow under my covers, turned off the light, and unlocked my door. If your door was locked in my house and you weren't changing, then it was taken off its hinges, never to be seen again.

I knew one of my parents would check on me in the middle of the night. I could only hope it would be Mom because Dad might notice something off.

After a quick double check that I had everything, I followed Peter out the window.

"Lee, when we're out, you probably shouldn't call me Peter," he warned me.

"Alright then Spidey, what are you gonna call me?" I asked.

"Hmm, good question. Maybe Archie, like short for archer. Ooh or Air for arrow. Or—" Peter kept making dumb nicknames.

"Or just call me Strela," I rolled my eyes.

"Your middle name? Won't that be obvious?" He questioned.

"Only if my parents hear it. Besides, it's Russian for arrow, and it doesn't sound stupid," I smiled.

"Okay. Let's go Strela," he agreed.

"I'm right behind you, Spidey. What's our first stop?" I asked him.

He listened intently to his earpiece for a moment.

"Armed robbery at the gas station on Fifth. Could you push me there? Maybe if I keep hold of you while you do it it'll teleport us both there," Peter suggested.

I'd been to the gas station on Fifth before. I pictured it and its surroundings in my head as Peter held me close to him. It was very distracting, but when I focused hard on teleporting the object I was about to push and gave Peter a light shove, I felt us both being teleported.

I'd never been able to teleport myself on my own, so the feeling of teleporting was new to me. It was calming in a way I didn't think it would be.

When Peter's hands fell away from me I opened my eyes that I hadn't realized were shut. I looked around to find that we were over at the gas pumps in front of the building. It was probably better than getting teleported right in front of the robbers.

I grabbed my bow off my back and selected a netting arrow before walking behind Peter into the gas station. He quietly opened the door to see two men pointing guns at a store clerk hurriedly shoving money from his register into a bag.

"Come on guys, pointing guns at people isn't very nice," Peter said cockily.

Both of the men turned to face us. It was clear that they recognized Spider-Man, but I was a mystery to them.

"Then why don't we point it at the nosy spider, right, Clark?" one of the robbers snarled.

"Right," the other replied.

Their guns raised up to point at us, but my arrow was already pointed at them. I released it quickly and forced it to teleport behind them and explode to net them instantly.

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