Hudson's Heart Chapter Five

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There are moments when we just ride quietly together. I'm beginning to feel like I actually do belong in his company. His grounded charm is captivatingly wholesome and true. There's nothing dishonest about Dade. He says how it is and feels how he does. I really don't think he's aware of what effect he has on the opposite sex. That would be far too vain and conceited for him to ever be conscious of such a thing. It is also that very thing that makes him so very desirable and irresistible to me.

I see the mountains coming into view. The scene before me is simply breathtaking.

"Wow." That's all my parted lips can say.

"It's really something, isn't it?" Dade replies.

"I'm at a loss for words . . . again."

Dade doesn't respond straight way. He sits quietly, just looking where I am. The quiet is eventually broken by his gentle voice, "The silence here, can be beautifully haunting." His deepness throws me. For such a simple man, who claims to live only a simple life, he has truly profound thoughts. I stare at him with more wonder than I have for the majestic mountains.

"I'm glad you're my escort today, Dade."

His eyes narrow, his expression changing. He looks at me, then at the mountains, then back at me. He seems hesitant to speak, but when he does, his voice is low and quiet. "Me, too."

"I've enjoyed it much more than I thought I would," I confess with an amused smile.

"Did the thought of being alone with me bother you that much?" He looks at me with an amused, questioning expression.

Before I even have time to stop my words, they've already exited my, far too relaxed, mouth. "It is exactly the being alone with you that bothers me." Oh shit, did I really just say that . . . out loud? Without the aid of vodka? Damn! I daren't even look at him for fear of what his expression will be. My chest tightens as the panic suddenly rips through me.

"So my mom is going to show you some of her cooking skills?" he says, completely bypassing my comment. I don't know what is worse, blurting out something so ridiculous or him choosing to completely ignore it? Shit!

I rein in my panic. I have to play this down. "I need all the help I can get," I say, now too mortified to make any eye contact with him.

"She likes you," he replies.

"I like her, too."

There's an awkward silence. I continue to ride, not daring to look in his direction. The oppressive silence is soon broken by the sound of his voice. "So let's go and roam under the mountains." He gallops off into the distance.

I see his perfect form disappear ahead of me. I know I shouldn't be, but I'm foolishly falling for Dade Hudson. I've never felt this way about anyone, like I feel for him . . . that truly does scare me. I've only known this man for two days, and already I feel connected to him. Is that wishful thinking on my part, or is something really happening here? I honestly have no idea. I'm afraid of my own feelings. I'm afraid to care, but it's happening, whether I like it or not.


"How's your back holding up?" I frown at Dade's question.

"My back?" I ask.

He brings his horse by the side of mine; we ride wither to wither. "You've been in the saddle for a few hours, now. If you haven't ridden in awhile, it can get sore," he explains. The shadow from his Stetson is unable to hide his glorious, yet serious, expression from me.

"It's okay," I abruptly reply, straightening up my slightly aching back. I'm not having him think that I can't keep up. Besides, it's not my back that is hurting.

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