Hudson's Heart Chapter Seven

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From that moment on, the evening passes me by in one beautiful blissful blur. I'm on cloud nine; cloud ten if they had one! I've had one glass of wine, and yet, feel soberly wonderful.

Dade is the perfect gent. Delectably considerate at all times, I'm helplessly bewitched by him in every single way. The envious glares that I keep getting from most of the local girls make me feel quietly elated.

Knowing that Dade Hudson likes me, more than any of them, is a feeling that simply can't be beaten. Not bad for the girl who was formerly, Miss Very Unhappy.

Now, I really am ecstatically happy.

The way I was feeling and the person that I once was, back in England, now feels like such a long time ago. The Georgie I was back then is no longer the Georgie that stands here now. That Georgie can keep her sorry ass back in England.

"Someone, please get me a fire extinguisher." Suzie is laughing, pretending to furiously fan herself.

"Pack it in, you." I coyly push her away.

"Dreamy McCreamy really likes you," she teases against me.

"Will you pinch me, Suzie . . . and really bloody hard? Can he really like me?" I sigh in such an overly melodramatic and it has to be said, an overly pathetic way, that I even make myself want to puke!

Suzie is grinning from ear to ear. "You'd better believe it, girlie."

I continue to swoon all over my newfound friend. "I honestly think, I've died and gone to happy heaven."

Suzie pulls me closer to her, excitedly wrapping both her arms around mine. "Everyone has been talking about the two of you," she says with wide eyes.

"Saying what exactly?" I ask with a furrowed brow.

"That Dade has never been seen to dance with anyone before . . . like ever, Georgie!" Her eyes are now even wider, she pulls down on me with uncontainable excitement.

"It was hard not to notice them all staring," I say with a suppressed smile. I wish I could share with Suzie my excitement. I just want to squeal and jump around wildly with her. I want to explode with the happiness that is bursting at the seams, inside of me.

Suzie's eyes sexily darken. "That's probably because they were all getting very hot and sticky under their very horny collars. My God, Georgie! The two of you together . . . now that is what I call pure sexual chemistry. It was like being witness to a pheromone orgy," she says with an exuberant pout.

"Shit . . . really?" I ask with heat rushing to my cheeks. Suzie just nods enthusiastically. I think of Dade and I dancing. I can't deny that I felt something consuming me when I was in his arms. It's something that felt so untameable and out of control. I look at Suzie, unable to contain myself any longer. "He really is something else isn't he? He's just so . . . how can I say?" I desperately try to encapsulate the way he makes me feel.

"Fucking HOT!" Suzie rudely finishes my sentence. I laugh at her crude outburst.

I tilt my head with a quirked brow. "Yes, he is . . . very," I admit, looking around the barn for him. The crowd is starting to thin out. People are starting to leave. I'm disappointed. I really don't want this night to end, just yet. I could stay up all night dancing in his wonderful arms.

"Where's Dade gone?" Suzie asks, scanning the room with her beady eyes.

"He went to get a drink, I think." I answer dubiously. I can't see him anywhere. My heart sinks. Has he left without saying goodnight? Have I done something wrong? The doubts and questions frantically whir around in my panicking and insecure mind.

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