Hudson's Heart Chapter Eleven

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"She'll stay in touch." Dade protectively wraps his strong arm around my waist, as we watch the SUV disappear out of sight, only leaving behind a trail of dust. As I blink back my tears, I smile at the memory of both Greg and Suzie frantically waving goodbye to me, just a few precious moments before.

I honestly don't know what upsets me more; the fact they have left, or the realisation that it will be my turn this time next week. I feel Dade's caring hands gripping my body tighter, trying to sweetly comfort me.

"It's certainly going to be a lot quieter around here without them," I say sadly, resting my head on Dade's consoling shoulder.

"Come with me, I want to show you something." His hard working fingers lovingly wrap around mine. In quiet togetherness, we walk towards the stables. The smell of horses titillate my nostrils. I know it's not everyone's favourite smell, but for me; it is one that I find very comforting. As a child, I used to work in the stables every single Sunday. They were the best years of my life. I liked nothing more than being up to my eyes in straw and manure, turning out the horses, come rain or shine.

"What's in here?" I ask, glancing across at a deep in thought Dade.

"In here," he replies softly, jerking his head in the direction of a stable to our right. Dade quietly rests his hands on the stable door, carefully looking inside. I stand beside him, peeping inside. My eyes are greeted with the most precious sight of a beautiful bay mare, standing proudly beside her newborn ebony foal. It's not yet standing but lays contently tired on its golden straw bed.

My eyes sparkle in wonder. "That has to be the most beautiful thing I have ever seen," I coo, unable to take my eyes off the mesmerising little creature.

"She's a beauty, all right," Dade whispers. I sense him looking at me. I can feel the weight of his stare. I turn my head. His wanting eyes linger on mine, remaining fixed on only me.

"When was she born?" I ask, bringing myself closer to him. He turns his distracted attention back to the foal; obviously he's already besotted with the tiny little thing. I watch him, looking down at her with the sweetest look of awe gracing his glorious face. For a man who is completely and utterly drenched in masculinity, he really does have the most charming and genteel of dispositions . . . it only makes me want him even more.

"She foaled about fifteen minutes ago," he tells me with a delighted smile.

I watch as the mare continues to lick her offspring clean, gently nuzzling her newborn, oblivious that we are even there. "I've never seen a newborn foal before," I whisper, not wanting to raise my voice any louder. I'm just happy to continue watching the foal's first moments in happy silence with Dade.

He sighs softly, stepping back slightly from the stable door. "Rest assured, it's a sight you never get tired of," he says, glancing across at me.

"I'm so glad you brought me, she really is an adorable creature," I reply.

"She is called Georgie." My eyes snap up at him. Dade's affectionate eyes and smile greet my shocked expression. My mouth involuntarily opens while my hand flies to my chest. I want to say something but feel too choked up to do so. At this precise moment in time, I feel so utterly overcome with raw emotion. My threatening tears hover around the lower lids of my eyes. I daren't even blink.

I tilt my head, hesitating to look into his waiting eyes. "You've called her Georgie?" I mumble, biting my lip hard to prevent it from quivering.

"I sure did, " Dade replies, turning his body so he's able to remove some of the distance between us.

"Why?" I ask with glassy eyes.

He smiles. " So, I can always have a little of you here with me." I feel myself emotionally crumble before him. I step away from the stable door. Unable to suppress my tears any longer, the ones that now freely cascade down my flushed cheeks.

"Shit . . . I'm so sorry," I apologise, rubbing my chest as if in pain. I try to remain with my back to him, but he turns me around, forcefully pulling me into his chest.

"Hey, don't cry, Beautiful." He wraps his safe arms around my inconsolable body. I breathe him in, holding him as tight as I possibly can.

"Ignore me, I'm just being over emotional." Embarrassed, I quickly swipe away my tears. "What you have done, is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me," I add, snivelling against his taut chest. I'm still too overwhelmed to bring myself to look up at him. This man has just done the most wonderful thing for me, and here I am, unable to even look him in the eye. Absolutely pathetic!

I hear the echo of his chuckle against my ear. "This was supposed to cheer you up." I feel his chest rise with the rumble of his laughter.

I pull back, bravely looking into his amused eyes. "It has. The gesture really is so sweet. What with Suzie and Greg leaving, then this . . . it just threw me, that's all." I look down at the ground, continuing with my eyes remaining downward. "We only have seven more days left together, Dade," I add solemnly. My voice cracks at my painful admission.

Grabbing my face, Dade leans in close. "Then, we had better make the most of them." His parted mouth reaches down to mine. I lose myself in his beautiful and reassuring kiss. For now it has calmed my inward restlessness . . . but for how long?

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