Chapter 3

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The police were reciving more and more threating letters from this mysterous murder who decided to end someones life and choose when they die and it seemed like he didn't care how the victims family deal with the murder all he wanted was revenge for what Mr Small did to his family on that brutel day in september where Mr small brutely put his mum and brother in hospital and attacked his sister and the left her for dead on a park swing she was found by a couple of school kids when they were walking home from school and they wanted to sit in the park and eat a kebab with bbq sauce.

The police were rebelling against the letter and they didn't remove the police protection and what a surprise another civilian was killed but this one was more horrific than the first murder she was stripped naked the she was tied up to a pole the put in the road then she was ran over then she was drowned to make sure she was dead then she was electrocuted the retied to a wooden cross the put on a beach standing up and that's were she was found by a group of tourist coming from wales the murderer left his signature on the woman breast because he know that the police wouldn't catch him and like the first one the first ones on the scene was the detective and his accomplice and they worked it out straight away by the signature so they called the police and they worked out who it was straight away to so they went to his house and arrested him in front of his wife and 3 children.

They started to question him they asked him "why did you do these terrible crimes" and Mr Simms replied "I was hired by someone because he didn't want to get caught" they asked him "what is his/her name" so Mr Simms said "Mr Siddhi" and the police who that was because he has been in a lot of trouble with police before he was arrested for murder in cold blood, rape, selling class A drugs and assaulting a police officer and killing 4 police officers.

To find out what happens next carry on to Chapter 4..........................

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