Chapter 2 - An Ordinary Man

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It was a well a known fact that as the sun set over Paris, the city roared to life. Men fell through tavern doors as women in the tightest corsets they owned, walked the streets selling themselves to the highest bidder.

"This is ludicrous." Anna mumbled as she and Athos stepped over the already inebriated as they snored on the cobbled street.

"I know."

"I mean; he's the King!" She said incredulously. "I can't believe you agreed to it!"

"As you said; he's the King, I cannot deny him what he wants." Athos reminded her, stopping her before they turned into the small alley designated as their meeting point. "This is something I must remind you of."

"Honestly, Athos..." She shrugged his hands off her shoulders. "...You don't have to remind me how to behave in front of the King." She stepped away from him and rounded the corner.

"How do I look?" The King grinned at her as they approached the already convened Musketeers.

"Transformed, Your Majesty." She told him, eyeing the monarchs obviously borrowed clothing for any signs of his wealth.

"No, no." He chastised her, his smile still in place. "No 'Your Majesty' tonight." He told them. "Or bowing or fussing or any manner of deference. Tonight, you treat me as an equal, all right? A friend." The men glanced at each other at the King's words. "For one night I will enjoy the same freedom as the most carefree peasant. I mean, must a King be a slave to his duty all his life? Tonight, I'm just like you."

Anna bit back a chuckle as she took in the sight before her; the King stood between three Musketeers, proclaiming her was just 'one of the boys', conveniently ignoring how armed they were and how their eyes were constantly seeking out any threat to the man's life.

" tunic's come undone." The King regained their attention as he gestured to the unbuckled tunic. The men stared at him, reminding themselves of his previous words before D'Artagnan got the message and leant forward to buckle it.

"Have a wonderful evening." Anna said to the men as Louis beamed at her. "I hope it is everything you hope it to be." She nodded to them before leaving them in the alley and heading home. Tonight was not a night she wished to partake in.

"Come on Porthos!" Louis' voice rang out as the tavern erupted into cheers as Porthos broke out of his opponents choke hold and landed a swift punch to his ribs before effectively flipping him onto his back.

Athos sighed at the sight as he pushed his still full glass around the small table he was occupying beside Louis' as he kept an eye on the King. He nodded to D'Artagnan as the boy brought another pitcher of wine to the King's table and joined him.

Now knowing someone was at Louis side, he allowed his mind to wander away from the bar brawl and instead to Anna and her likely position beside a roaring fire, one of her favourite books in hand.

"This is fun!" He ran a tired hand down his face as the King piped up again. "Oh, how I envy the ordinary life!" he told the two prostitutes at his side before rising from the table. "Right, my turn!"

"I think it's time we called it a night." Athos intercepted him before the man could reach Porthos' opponent as the burly man was helped from the floor by the Musketeer.

Louis opened his mouth to protest but stopped when something at the back of the tavern caught his eye.

"Cards!" He pushed past Athos. "I love cards!" The head Musketeer exchanged a tired glance with D'Artagnan and Porthos before following the King to the card tables.

"Ha! I win again!" Athos, Porthos and D'Artagnan rolled their eyes at the King as he sat between two men at the card table. "And you know what the best thing is?" he asked them. "I don't even need the money!" He proclaimed before falling into fits of laughter once more.

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