Chapter 10 - Trial and Punishment

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Welcome to the final chapter of this story. #sadtimes

I know that updates have been sporadic and that a load have come in one go but I just want to let everybody who has read even a line of this work, that I am so grateful for this community of fans. 

Right, onto the 'important' stuff. I won't be writing Season 3. I just don't have the time to sit and plan each episode and then spend 20+ hours writing out each one. I have some ideas and the plan is to scribble some stuff down in my spare time and someday post them all. Trust me when I say that the story doesn't end here. SO, for anyone who has followed this series since Chapter 1 of LMF way back in 2014, please just give this story or myself a quick follow for a notification of future updates. When I do get around to writing/posting Series 3, I'll add another chapter to this story as a sort of notification with the title and information.

So there we have it; series 2 done. I hope you guys like it and just so you know, a review always makes my day even if it's just three words.

Thanks for the memories guys - it's been a hell of a ride.

MissPiggy97 xxx


As her eyes began to flutter open a lazy grin stretched out over her lips. It was perfection; the gauzy curtains were blowing in a light breeze as sunlight began to fill the room and the pillow under her cheek was the softest she'd ever slept upon. She'd slept like a new-born babe last night and the irony of her experiencing her most restful night in years on the eve of her best friend's execution, wasn't lost on her.

...She's gone; the one who was happy to lay awake for you...

She blew out a breath and turned onto her back, her eyes fixing on the ceiling above as the words she had said last night repeated over and over in her mind. She probably shouldn't have been as blunt about it, she mused. Perhaps she should have eased him into it a little more rather than just trying to explain it all in the relatively short time it takes to get from one end of the palace's tunnels to the other.

Maybe getting it all off her chest had been good though. She realised now just how exhausted she'd been at playing the role of someone she wasn't, someone she hasn't been for a long time.

...I tried to be this person who you could remember; someone still a little bit frail...

She winced as memories of sweet little Anna started to swim in her mind. God, why had she done it to herself? Why had she denied herself so much? Blaming Athos wasn't even an option; he hadn't asked for her to be his dutiful little maid but she'd all but insisted after he'd seemed so shocked at her brazenness when she'd first arrived back in Paris.

You were always going to join him. That was the plan; you were always going to make him think he'd turned get close enough.

She pushed the covers off her as Athos' voice began to mingle with her own. She wasn't going to lay here lamenting her actions when not twelve hours earlier she'd vowed to not let him consume her thoughts anymore.

The plan had gone off almost without a hitch; Rochefort believed her intentions matched his and assumed she knew nothing about who he was actually working for, though she doubted Vargas would be so enthusiastic about his methods.

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