Chapter 13

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Alice- I hear knocking so I run over to my window and see its the guys. I run over to Cameron and wake him up. I ask him what to so and he says well just tell them he came early. He goes and fixes his hair so it looks like he wasn't alseep. We go and open the door. They look at Cam right away.

Cameron - I know we agreed to come at the same time but I came early. Let's just tell her what we are doing today. "What ate we doing" she asks.

Alice- "we are going shopping" they all say. Then a girl comes out of know where and grabs Shawn's hand. "Shawnie who is she" I say. "Alice this is Angel my girlfriend, Angel this is Alice my friend" he says. I shake her hand and ask if she's going shopping. She says she is. We take two cars and I go in the car with Cam and Tay.

Taylor - Cameron and Alice are acting really weird I wonder what happend with there date last night.

Alice- We finally pull up to the mall. I run over to Angel. We get a couple things like boots, heals, skirts, jeans, and shirts. All the guys are looking at shoes so I can finally o of the guys tell him for you guys" she says. "Thank you so much, but are you hungry because I'm starving" I say. "Yes I was waiting for someone to be hungry" she says. I tell Cam she knows and ask him of he wants to come with us. He comes and the other guys say they will catch up. Me Cam and Angel go. Cam grabs my hand but I don't mind because the other guys aren't here. I sit by with Angel on one side of me and Cam on the other. We are about to eat when the other guys come so we wait. Shawn sits on the other side Angel. Nash sits next to Cam and Tay sits across from me. Cam holds my hand under the table. After everyone was finished we went back to my place. I went into the kitchen and called Nash, Shawn, and Cam in there. We told Nash and Shawn we are dating, they looked suprised and happy. I asked them to tell Tay. "Yeah of course anything to help you" they said. Me and Cam walked out so they could talk to him.

Taylor- Nash and Shawn called me into the kitchen for some reason. They looked nervous so I'm kinda worried. "What's wrong guys" I said. "Ok Taylor don't get mad or anything but Cameron and Alice are dating" they said. "I need a minute come back in a few please" I said.

Shawn- I could tell he was upset. I just hope he doesn't hurt Alice by not being there for her and supporting her relationship. She is a fragile girl , she has gone threw alot.

Taylor- I know I have to support her. Of course I am upset, I have never felt anything like I do when I'm with her. Of course there have been different girls and opportunities to be with different girls. Those other girls are there for the fame and money but she she's different. Nash and shawn walk back in. "Nash go get them please" I say. "Listen to me Taylor you better not hurt her she is fragile" shawn says with a very serious look in his eyes. I could tell he is protective over her. "I won't I'm gonna support her and Cameron" I say. He gets a look of relief. Cameron and Alice walk in holding hands.

Alice- I am so nervous right now, what if he is mad at me and don't want to be friends. Me and Cam walk in holding hands, I see him kinda tense up. He gives Nash and Shawn a look so they walk out.

Cameron- I am not nervous or scared at all but he better not hurt Alice. We walk in holding hands and he tense up, if he does anything dumb I'm ready for it.

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