7. Anger Issues

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What we soon found out about the town of Birchville was that they didn't do anything for fun. There was barely a dive bar in sight, or any type of hangout for that matter. Damn, what I wouldn't give to be able to hangout at a local rundown bar and drink a couple beers...or three...or four. I missed the days of the Roadhouse, where I could just sit back, get drunk, and not worry about who overheard me talking about ghosts or demons, since everyone there was a hunter anyway.

After riding around for what felt like an hour, we finally had to stop for gas. The night was cool and the moon shined brightly as I talked while I filled up Baby.

"Man, what is it with this town? It's like the fun was sucked right out of it, I mean, where else can you go to hangout on a Friday night besides a bar?" I paused and glanced at Sam, a thought occurring to me. "Dude, please don't tell me this is another 'Whore of Babylon' thing. I am not in the mood to deal with a bunch of crazy towns people right now."

"The what of Babylon?" Marie questioned.

My brother stepped out of the Impala and leaned on the hood with his hands folded on top of the car. Marie stationed herself in a similar position next to him.

"It's not important," Sam muttered, addressing Marie. Then he said to me, "there's no way it could be anything like that. That incident only happened because it was the Apocalypse and Lucifer walked the earth."

"Wait, wait, wait...the Apocalypse? When the hell did that happen?" Marie asked, stupefied. She lifted her hands off the car and stood back, crossing them.

I mentally berated Sam for bringing it up. This was not the proper time or location to bring up what could have been the end of the world, not to mention what actually happened to her brother. Then again it was I who brought up the whole 'Whore of Babylon' mishap in the first place.

"Like Sam said, it's not important. The Apocalypse has nothing to do with this sorry town or the demon we're hunting, so just forget it."


"Because I said so."

"No, I'm tired of all these secrets y'all are keeping from me. Is there a reason why you are both keeping me in the dark about what apparently was the Apocalypse and what actually happened to my family? Because I'm starting to get the idea that they're connected," she said, finally getting down to the bare root of it.

I decided to wrap up this argument before it went down a road me and Sam were not prepared to deal with at the moment.

"Remember all those natural disasters that happened two and a half years ago? Not really? Good, that's because we stopped them from getting a whole lot worse. Let's keep it at that. You're welcome."

"But-" Marie began.

"We are focusing on this demon, Marie. We'll explain what happened when we don't have other obligations. The truth will just get you distracted from hunting down and killing this evil bastard," Sam said with a look of determination. Marie glared between us as if she was pondering how we could get so douche-y within a matter of seconds. Eh, what can you do?

"Typical, leave it to hunters to keep secrets."

"You do realize-" Sam started.

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