12. Twist

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I awoke to the sound of someone rushing around the room. The sunlight streamed through the dark green curtains and directly onto my face. It took me awhile to fully return to consciousness, reflecting on the dream I just had. I've always had vivid dreams, but that one seemed more realistic than usual.

Once I had awoken completely, I sat up and observed my surroundings. It was early, due to the sunshine coming through the window at almost a horizontal angle. The room was a mess, and it wasn't helping that Dean was walking around gathering all my belongings and putting them on the small breakfast table that sat awkwardly by the door. I stared at him with a dumbfounded expression as he picked up my gun I had laid on my bedside table and placed it in the same pile as everything else. His face was stony and unreadable, and he acted as if I wasn't sitting there staring at him.

"Dean, what are you doing?" I asked politely, even though I was a little irritated by the fact that he was touching my stuff without my permission. When he didn't answer my question, I glanced over at Sam who was laying in the other bed fast asleep. He was on his back with his arm draped across his eyes so that his face was in the crook of his elbow. I recognized that position as the same one I did when I found it difficult to sleep.

I fixed my eyes on Dean again, careful to keep my voice low for Sam's sake, "Dean, seriously, what are you doing? You're starting to freak me out."

Dean paused in his tracks and glanced at me. A look of distress was evident in his eyes.

"You're leaving," he muttered as if it were a statement of fact.

"What are you talking about?"

"We had a deal remember?" He said, "If things went south, you pack up and you leave. No questions. No complaints."

"There's no way I'm leaving, Dean," I said with a slight laugh. I slipped on my glasses and climbed off the bed. Was he being serious?

"You agreed-"

"I don't care what I agreed to. You can't just throw me out. You heard what Adam said; I'm in this just as much as you and Sam."

"Oh, don't give me that. You had nothing to do with what happened to him. That's all on me...and Sam. You need to pack your crap and leave now before he shows up again."

Dean started to walk towards my duffle bag that was resting on the floor by the foot of my bed. I made a beeline for it as well. We both reached it at the same exact time and both of us pulled on a handle. It was like a game of tug of war as we each pulled on the duffle for a couple of seconds. I would have laughed if it had not been a serious situation because I was sure we looked like a couple of kids fighting over a toy.

Finally, we each relaxed our grip and the duffle hung limply between us. Both of us were too prideful and stubborn to let go of the bag and let the other person win.

"Marie, let go of the bag," Dean said scornfully as he raised a finger and gave me a condescending look.

I let out a laugh full of annoyed disbelief and then said, "it's my bag, idiot. You let go." 

"Marie, seriously?" Dean asked in exasperation.

"Dean, seriously?" I mocked in a low voice. Dean gave me a look but before he could say anything else I took on a serious tone and said, "Adam is my brother. If you think I'm gonna leave him to be dealt with by you and Sam, you have another thing coming. Now let go of my bag."

I must have let my temper slip slightly because I said this louder than necessary and I heard a grunt as Sam jerked awake. I glanced over at him and he had a dazed expression on his face. It quickly morphed into amusement when he took in our odd semi-tug of war game.

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