Chapter 1

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Hey guys this is our first story please leave us some reviews to help us improve this story for your enjoyment.

Disclaimer: We don't own any of Rick Riordan's works.

This chapter is kinda short but it was mostly made as an intro so the other chapters will be longer.

Now enjoy Ch 1!

Chapter 1

"I hate the gods!" Percy thought to himself as he was walking through Tartarus, absentmindedly killing monster in his way out of pure hatred. After all he had done for the gods they rewarded him with eternity in Tartarus. With all that on top he was in despair over Annabeth's death. She gave up her life to save him from an arrow that was aimed at him. He could still remember her dying words with a smile on her face." Live Percy, and try to move on because I know you will be able to find someone again. I love you seaweed brain." Remembering that Percy got tears in his eyes and his hatred turned to sadness and loneliness. He had to get out of Tartarus, he would not give up the life that Annabeth had saved and he would bring down Olympus no matter what.

(Three Years Later)

Artemis was sitting against a tree trunk deep in thought. After Percy was thrown into Tartarus she was furious with her father that she couldn't forgive him even now. After all he did to save Olympus twice, he didn't deserve to be banished to the pit. He was also the only male friend she had since Orion. She knew the reason her father sent Percy into Tartarus, because he was afraid of Percy's strength after he became an immortal. Percy did become truly strong and she admitted it but she knew he wouldn't rebel against the gods. Percy wasn't the type who would fight for power, otherwise he would be dead by her own hand a long time ago.

While she was thinking about all this Hermes teleported in front of her which startled her. "Artemis Zeus wants to see you on Olympus." Hermes said.

" Why?" replied Artemis. "Zeus didn't tell me but he looked troubled so I assume it isn't anything good." Artemis stood up and thought about what it might be. Then thanked Hermes for the message and teleported to the council room.

When she arrived only Zeus and surprisingly Hades where there. Zeus saw that Arthemis arrived and greeted his daughter with a serious face. "Artemis, I have some bad news, a large horde of monsters have escaped Tartarus and I want you to hunt them down."

Artemis looked at Hades then back at Zeus. "How did this happen?" Artemis asked with a questioning look on her face wondering how so much monsters could just escape at once. "I don't know Artemis, but I need you to hunt them down before this becomes too serious." Zeus said while pondering on whether or not someone was behind this or if it was just a coincidence. "Very well then Father I shall track them down and slay these monster with posthaste, I will inform you of our progress by the next meeting." Artemis said as she teleported away to her huntress camp.

When Artemis arrived at the camp she told Thalia and Phoebe to gather the hunters to the campfire in fifteen minutes ready to depart. Thaila and Phoebe nodded their heads and bowed before leaving to gather all the hunters and disassemble the camp. Once all the hunters were ready Artemis teleported them to the area where the horde was last spotted. " Split up into groups of two to explore the area and see if you can find anything and report to me." Artemis told her hunters. " I will go by myself to the lake and see if I can find anything." As she said that the hunters nodded and left into the forest while Artemis went to check out the lake.

When she reached the lake she was in such awe from the beauty of the lake that she didn't even see the cloaked person sitting at the far end of the lake. When she came back to her senses she looked around and saw a person sitting in a black cloak. She crouched down and started to sneak up on the person to see who it was. When she reached him and was about to grab him and ask him who he was a blast of water hit her hard into the chest knocking her to the ground.

Artemis tried to get up to defend herself from whoever attacked her but her body wouldn't move and she started to pass out. However just before she passed out she saw a glimpse of the man who was now standing above her. He had sea green eyes with traces of a deep black streak in the middle that seemed like an endless void if you looked into it, and his hair was as dark as a starless night. Before she could confirm his identity she felt herself being picked up by him as her consciousness drifted away.

So yeah guys that was Ch 1 and plz leave us a review. Thanks!

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