Chapter 11

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Hey guys! Thank you all of those who read our story. Sorry for the short chapters that we did lately, it's just that we decided to break the fight into more than one chapter and we wanted to have more chapters in our story. So yeah, enjoy the next chapter!

Chapter 11

Percy POV

I flew towards Typhon with insane speed as I put my swords in front of me and began to spin creating a vortex which made me go even faster. The flames and lightning mixed in with the vortex of wind making it look like I was inside a lightning bolt that was engulfed by flames.

As I sped up at an insane speed I crashed into Typhon and pierced through his shoulder leaving a huge burnt hole. Typhon roared in pain as he stumbled to his knees. I looked at the ground, searching for Lancer.

"Lancer! Where are you?" I shouted as I watched a pool of shadows morph into a giant. "Wow" I said with a blank expression on my face. "I didn't think you would get this much of a power up from the shadows that I created from my armor of light.

Lancer laughed "I get stronger every time the number of shadows increases, so whats your plan?"

"Well I was wondering if you could hold down Typhon for a few seconds with the shadows" I asked as I watched Typhon starting to get up and searching for me while not caring that the hunters were shooting arrows at him.

"Yeah, I can just give me some time and I can't hold him for long so be prepared" replied Lancer. "Okay, thats good enough, now lets wear him down a bit" I said as charged at Typhon.

I slashed at Typhon with my swords which barely did any damage and only left small cuts. "This isn't working" I thought to myself as I dodged Typhon's giant hand.

Then I got an idea, I raised my swords into the air as I called upon the winds. I watched them gather until the king of wind spirits was before me. "Why have you called upon me?" I heard it say in my head. "I have called you to help me in this battle" I replied back to him in my head.

"Alright I shall help you but you will owe me a favor" said the wind spirit as I felt the winds get more violent. "Alright but it has to be something I can do" I said as struck my swords into the ground this time.

I felt the earth beneath me as I called upon it and watched as a huge golem formed before me. It was as at least as big as a titan and had red glowing eyes that radiated with power. "Did you call on me, master?" said the golem in a deep and ancient voice.

"A-Ah yah, and can you not call me master please?" I said as I felt his red eyes pierce through me

"As you wish, but what shall I call you than?" replied the golem. "Just call me Percy" I replied back.

"Now, can you go help hold back Typhon while I call for more help?" i said. "As you wish" replied the golem before lunging at the Typhon at a pretty fast speed even though being huge in size. I watched as he punched Typhon and caused him to stumble backwards and then was pushed on to the ground by a strong wind from the wind spirit.

As they held back Typhon I searched for the presence of the Phoenix within me until I found it deep inside. "What do you want from me?" asked the Phoenix. "I have asked for your help" I replied. "Alright, but you must pay a price" answered the Phoenix amusingly.

"What's the price?" I asked as I prepared for the worst. "You will have to give up a part of your body in return for my help".

"As long as you will protect my loved ones I'll sacrifice anything to you" I replied back with determination. "I like your determination so I'll make the price cheaper for you. I guess for starters I'll take your left arm".

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