Chapter 3

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Hey guys thank you for those who review and for all of those who followed us.

So like we said this chapter will have a fight scene and yeah.

Also we tried something new so tell us if we should keep it like it was or keep doing it this way.

Hope you enjoy!

Chapter 3

Artemis was laying in her tent looking at the ceiling and thinking about what Percy had told her "you are the one I trust and respect most among the gods." She couldn't get that one line out of her head no matter what she did. "Why is it that my thoughts keep returning to this one simple line? Is it because he said he trusts me the most?" she thought to herself trying to find the answer. "And what is this feeling that I get in my chest whenever I think of Percy? Is it love? No! It can't be, I'm the maiden goddess that will never fall in love. But what if?" her thoughts were quickly interrupted as she heard a monster war cry that pierced the silent night sky. She jumped up grabbing her bow as she ran out of the tent. When she got out her hunters were running around getting weapons and engaging the monsters that she had never seen before.

The monsters were around four feet tall; the had four arms with sharp, long claws that would rip you apart in seconds. Then on their back the had torn wings that looked like they were caught in a turbine, however their faces were like living hell itself. Their eyes were pitch black as if they were possessed and would draw you in as if you were falling down into an endless void. Then the tail, it looked like the worst part of this monster, it was long and thin with sharp spikes at the end that were coated with poison that would kill a mortal within seconds if it were even to scratch you barely. Artemis had to admit these new monsters were nothing like she met before. they were fast, however they weren't as fast as her shooting. She searched for Thalia as she shot arrow after arrow getting headshots like it was taking candy from a baby. Finally, she found Thalia. She was fighting of three monsters with her spear and shield. Thalia hit one of the monsters with her shield making it crash into another one as she stabbed them in the chest piercing both of both of them and making them crumble and drift of with the wind as she tripped the third one and hit it with a lightning bolt leaving nothing of its existence.

Artemis ran up to Thalia as they fought side by side. "How many are there?" asked Artemis as she stabbed one of the with her bow while kicking another into Thalia's spear. "I don't know Milady, there are hundreds of them and they just keep on coming no matter how much we kill. At this rate we won't be able to survive much longer" she said as they heard a big explosion from the middle of a monster horde. When the dust cleared there was a man wearing a black cloak with a hood that covered his face. He was holding a white sword which shone brightly as the rays of moonlight hit it. The man fought like a demon, he slashed through monsters like he was cutting butter. His speed was outstanding, he dodged monsters with such ease that he made it look like he wasn't even trying.

"Who is that?" shouted Thalia as she fought of a monster that grabbed on to her shield. "I don't know but he is good, we might stand a chance now. Lets try to get towards him." replied Artemis as she started moving towards the man.

Percy POV

I landed right in the middle of a group of monsters. "Great, perfect place to land" I thought as the monsters stood there staring at him and wondering where he came from. Then he just uncapped riptide which was now white, because he had placed the mist over it since it would blow his identity as soon as someone saw his sword. The monsters looked at him as they saw a sword appear and charged at him from all sides. I grinned and spun in a circle cutting each monster in half and making the crumble and surround me with dust. All the nearby monsters saw this and charged at me, which I killed in a blink of the eye.

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