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Our plan slowly took form. We would wait for a nurse to slip up as they sometimes do. Xander had managed to steal a nurses uniform from a laundry cart and at one of the routine medical check ups he grabbed a face mask. Xander would wait for a nurse to either accidentally leave his cell unlocked or to not close it quickly enough so he could slip something into the door jam to keep it from latching. Finally the day came. After the midnight pill dispensary, I heard my name being called. Xander was at my cell door, Thankfully this asylum was built many decades ago and hadn't been updated. All of the locks were manual. Now we would escape. By some wave of luck we just snuck out. Waiting at each corner in the hall for a nurse to pass and if they noticed, we looked like a nurse escorting a distraught patient. We made it out. We had no car and no idea where to go. So we hid. We waited til dawn and I used my card number and pin to get my savings out. I didn't think it would wprk but by some miracle it did. However, now we needed to run. They would check our bank information looking for us. We purchased hair dye and other items to help hid our appearance. With a thousand dollars left, we ran.

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