Chapter 4

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Serra and Kianne rewrapped my bandages as Zan tended to some other matter that he said was "more important for my safety and those of the others". I assumed that to mean that I'm some kind of threat, nevertheless he left.
     "Your hair is kinda messy," Kianne stated,breaking the awkward silence.
No! I didn't just get found in forest by some stranger after a car wreck."Yeah," I replied. I was timid and confused. I felt that if I gave away to much information about myself I wouldn't be able to return home-despite the fact that my hair was in tatters was a very evident.
      "We have a friend that would love to do your hair. If you would like that,"Serra continued.
      I didn't reply. Timidity gave way to self- appointed rage. I couldn't help myself back in the forest. I didn't feel that I deserved sympathy for a weakness that clearly should never have existed.
      "Listen," said Serra,"I understand if you are upset. Believe me you have every right to be. However, you're here now and we want you to feel welcome. So if you have any questions at all we will answer them to the best of our ability."
       I could sense her sincerity clearly and took advantage of the opportunity." Where am I exactly?"
       Kianne answered calmly,"You're in the city of Mornclaire."
        "Why did he bring me here?"
       Kianne looked to Serra. Serra responded,"We honestly don't know. We will figure that out at another time."
     "Mind if I ask you a question?"asked Kianne with a puzzled expression.
        I nodded.
     "Zan said that he found you on the side of the road unconscious," she explained," what were you doing there in the first place?"
I turned away realizing that I would have to explain the painful story. She seemed to pick up on my uncomfortable state of mind and apologized. I told her it wasn't her fault.
Kianne looked at a charm on her bracelet." The Lady wants to meet with us."
          "You're just going to leave me here?" I asked tentatively.
         "Not here," Serra replied. They both helped me to my feet and we walked out of the clinic.


         We stopped in front of an abandoned house. The paint was faded and chipping off of the outdoor walls. It felt almost like the old Victorian home that my family lived in when my father was still alive.
         " You'll be staying here while Serra and I go meet with the Lady," Kianne said,"In the meantime, you can maybe find something to do here."
       I was confused as to why I was to wait here and asked,"What am I going to do-"
"Just wait here," Kianne said sternly," I'm sure you can find a way to entertain yourself while we are away." With that the two of them left me alone in the Victorian.
The floral wallpaper was faded and the shelves were laced with dust. Dusty,white sheets covered furniture in the living and dining rooms. A dark oak staircase gave way to a hallway with two matching doors. I opened the first on the right and saw a bed covered in the same white sheets as those that were downstairs. I noticed a small fold in the bedroom wallpaper by the large window sill. I pulled on it and a fresh coat of cream colored paint.

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