Chapter 7

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I woke up to the smell of fresh eggs and what I thought was bacon.As I picked myself up off the bed to go and investigate, I felt an extreme cold wash over me and I shivered. The door opened and Willow came in with a plate of eggs and bacon.
She set the plate on the dresser and said," Good morning, Gwendolyn." She sat next to me on the bed.
         "Good morning,Willow," I replied with a shutter.
         "You're cold? Wow humans are much more sensitive than I thought,"Willow said a little puzzled. She then got up and went into the dresser and pulled out some clothes from the drawer.
          "What do you mean?" I asked as I stood up and stretched.
          She set the pile of clothes on the dresser and turned to me,"Do you truly want to know?"
               I nodded and she left with her head hung low. I took advantage of the opportunity and got dressed I the clothes she set out. It was a pair of dark denim leggings, a seaweed tank top, and a gingerbread long sleeve sweater. Why am I so cold, it doesn't look very chilly outside? I wrapped the sweater tighter around myself. Swoosh swoosh. The sound startled me and I quickly turned to the window. Nothing here, that's strange.
              Willow,her arms folded around a book tautly,and Serra entered the room. Serra looked up at me and asked how I slept. I told her to not change the subject." What did Willow mean when she said 'I thought humans were less sensitive to things like weather'?"
Willow handed me the book. Historia Equalia, what is this? I looked at the book and saw a bookmark in it. I opened to the bookmark and saw a subtitle: Humans. As I turn the page I was horrified at our description. We were described as bloodthirsty animals with deadly fangs and claws cloaked in blood, and practically acted as what I would refer to as a siren. I read on.
"So that's why? You thought I would be like this?" I asked setting the book aside. Tears started to well up in my pale hazel eyes.
Willow and Serra nodded. Then Serra's voice broke through the silence," I'm sorry,Gwen, but the threats that humans pose to us lead to our complete communicational separation; humans are never supposed to find this place. But, you're here now."
           "We agreed to take care of you thinking that there was a chance that you would hurt us. We just didn't know. Do you understand why we act this way? You are who we all consider evil,"Willow continues," It's not just ourselves we are protecting, but you as well. If anyone else finds out about a human finding our home then your life and ours will be at stake. Do you understand?"
        "Who is 'we'?" I asked as I wiped a few tears running down my cheeks.
"Only a few of our closest friends," Serra replied coming to the other side of me and sitting down,"They're coming over to see you for themselves."
         "What! I thought you said it was dangerous for others to know that I'm here? How do I know I can trust them with my life?" I questioned concerned. This has to be some kind of fever dream. I'll be waking up in the hospital and my mom and step-father at the foot of my bed waiting for me to wake up.
"That's why I set out those clothes for you. I thought you would want to look presentable for our friends," Willow said sweetly," and by the looks of it you look great in the outfit I picked."
Serra shot a up from the bed and exclaimed," Hey! I picked that outfit!"
Willow just brushed it off and let out a small giggle,"Regardless, you can come out when your ready. We'll come and get you when our friends come if you want."
I smiled,"Yes, if you could I need some time alone right now to process everything."
They both looked at each other then back to me. "Alright, see you in a little while,Gwendolyn."
As the door closed a million thoughts ran through my head. The thought of humans as evil and that these elemental people are real,but why now? Why would an elemental have saved a human knowing that they are considered evil?
A loud flapping sound came from outside the window. What on earth is that sound? As I opened the window a small dragon with mahogany scales perched itself on windowsill. The marigolds caressed the glittering scales. What!?!? I hadn't seen you since I was four! The dragon looked me in the eyes and I felt my stomach drop in disbelief.
I extended my arm out to see, if it was the right dragon I knew as a child, if it would remember me. The dragon looked at my hand and then hopped onto my arm. It curled around my neck, resting it's head on one shoulder and its tail wrapped around the arm I extended. It made a gentle purring sound, similar to a cat, and I said,"I've missed you so much. My one and only friend, Fenix."

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