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"She is an amazing vocalist and a very confident girl! She's about to go on tour and she's here to perform her latest single Body Say, ladies and gentlemen Demi Lovato!"

The studio audience erupted into cheers after Ellen introduced me. The doors opened and I knew it was showtime. This was my first performance since I came back from South Africa and I was so nervous. What if the South African air did something to my vocals? Oh God.

As the beat kicked in, I gripped the mic with my left hand and took in a long, sharp breath. Time to slay, b*tch.

If I had it my way, I would take you down


"Thank you for that performance, Demi! It was amazing," Ellen exclaimed and the audience applauded.

"No, thank you for having me on your show, Ellen. It's so nice to see you again," I flashed her a toothy smile as she waited for the audience to calm down.

"Same here. But I have a question for you that I'm sure everyone is dying to hear the answer. What inspired you to write Body Say? Please bear in mind that this is a family show," I let out a hearty laugh as I laughed together with the audience. Being on the Ellen Show is always such a treat, she's amazing.

"Uhh well I'm sure everyone here knows about Leeyah and I's relationship. Hey baby Lee!" I wave to the camera and the crowd awwws before I continue, "yeah and I am in a really good space. Besides, I felt really bold and wanted to try something new."

"It definitely is something new, Demi. I know for a fact that some of your Lovatics can't even shout those lyrics around the house unless being grounded is a fun thing for them," the audience laughed as I mouthed 'sorry guys' at the camera.

"Okay,  so you are about to go on tour. Tell us more about that," Ellen questioned as a picture of the tour poster, with Nick and I, showed up behind us and on the small screen in front of us.

"Yeah, it's called the Honda Civic Future Now Tour and I'm basically going to be touring with my best friend. I even got to customise my own car so that was an insane experience. And, even though it sucks that I have to be away from Leeyah for a long time, I'm really excited to connect with my Lovatics."

"That's amazing, Demi. Unfortunately, our time is up but just know that I ship you and Leigh-Anne so hard. When we come back, I talk to the brains behind the Running Man challenge so don't go anywhere," the audience cheered again and Ellen stood up and gave me a hug.

"Thanks for having me Ellen," I returned the hug and waited for one of the stage hands to help me take off my mic.

"No problem. Enjoy your tour and expect a new pillow from me soon," we both laugh at that and I am ushered backstage by one of the stage hands.

Although today was a very good day, I miss Leeyah and I just want to hold her in my arms and never let go.

Put your arms around me baby,
Put your arms around me baby,
And squeeze.


"Leeyah, we have everything under control. Go home and rest, love," Andy says and I'm more than happy to take up his offer.

It has been days since Demi left and I have been working non stop trying to not miss her. We've been texting every time she's awake but because of the twelve hour time difference, I usually just fall asleep without even texting her goodnight. It's hard being without my baby boo but I'll get through it.

Right now, I've just arrived home and my phone buzzes in my pocket, indicating a notification. I reach into my pocket and unlock my phone in order to open the Snapchat app. It's from Demi.

Instead of replying to her snap, I decide to facetime her since I miss her so much

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Instead of replying to her snap, I decide to facetime her since I miss her so much.

Hola hermosa!

Can I just say that you're the sexiest puppy I've ever seen and I grew up in the Flats.

I adjust the camera to a comfortable position. Demi just has this bright smile on her face and I don't want this moment to end.

Leeyah! I'm all sweaty and I look so gross.

No way, you look so stunning though. And by the way, let's agree that you are keeping your hair this short for a lonnnggg time.

Demi let out a giggle before tucking her hair behind her ears.

You like it babe?

Have you seen your selfies lately? Like gotdamn! You are so pretty. How did I get so lucky?

I ask myself that all the time. Listen, I have to go. I'll speak to you soon. Bye baby Lee.

Bye baby Dee.

I put the phone down on the table and take the remote and tune into a music channel. After Work From Home by Fifth Harmony comes on, Confident  follows and I smile throughout the whole song. She looks so badass in this video even though Michelle Rodriguez kicks her butt.

I miss Demi so f*cking much!

Only a few chapters before the book ends, I would say that at least two chapters of this book are left. 

Mmapetja Leshilo 

Twitter: @LovaticLeshilo
Snapchat: Petjazana
IG: mmapetjal
Musical.ly: Athenapetjinkie

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