1000 HANDS

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I just wanna feel a thousand Hands from you, only you
Can you make me feel a thousand hands from you, only you?


"You've done exceptionally well with the EyeBang campaign. These numbers look amazing Blakes, well done," my boss beamed while paging through the documents showing revenue and a whole bunch of numbers.

"Thanks big guy. I guess Rihanna pulled through on this one. I'll see you in a week or so yeah?"

"Yeah. Good job kiddo," we shook hands and I gave him a toothy smile before leaving his office.

It was now almost the end of August and Demi's birthday is tomorrow. I see her all the time when we facetime but I miss being able to hold her. Her tour has been amazing from what I see and the pictures are breathtaking.

I'm planning on surprising her for her birthday so I need to fly out soon if I want to make it on time. Luckily, she has a day off so I am free to spoil her rotten. And man do I have something planned.

"Is everything ready, Portia?" I say while walking out the building with my assistant. It's really cold out here and I can't wait to get to New York where I know it's summer.

"Yeah everything is in the car even the gifts," we hop into the black SUV with her in the driver's seat. I immediately take the AUX cord and plug in my phone.

"Even the special gift?" I asked as 1000 Hands by Fifth Harmony fills the car. I lower the volume so that I can continue talking to my assistant.

"Yes, I made sure of it."

"Portia, I swear if I get to New York and that gift is not there, I'm going to take the next plane back here and give you a personal beatdown," she laughed at that and I just shook my head because it's cute that she thinks I'm joking.

"I promise you, Leeyah, the gift is there."

We shortly arrived at the airport and, unlike Demi, I didn't have a private jet. I am flying business class though so I guess that's good.

"When you get there, your driver will take you straight to the hotel opposite Demi's. You'll find out her room number and all that jazz when I send it to you later. It's important that you don't get noticed out there if you want to do this right, Leeyah"

"Got it. Thanks babes, I'll see you in a week yeah?" I reached in for a hug which she gladly returned. Assistants are God's gift to lazy people like me so I'm forever grateful for Portia.

"Yeah. You be good out there, bye," I gave her a final wave and headed inside the airport.


It has been three hours and Demi just sent me the usual 'I miss you' text followed by a snapchat message.

Usually, I facetime her because I am lazy to type but I can't risk her seeing me in a plane

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Usually, I facetime her because I am lazy to type but I can't risk her seeing me in a plane. I want my visit to be a genuine surprise for her, so I just decide to text her back.

I miss you too baby cakes. 😘

Daddy 👅💦: No facetime? That's new. I'm about to perform now.

I read somewhere that it's good to switch things up in a relationship, helps to keep the passion 😜.

Daddy 👅💦: Really now? 😂 You're such a dork babe. I wanted to see your beautiful face though 😩.

Aww 😊You'll see it soon, I promise baby.

Daddy 👅💦: I can't believe I won't be with you for my birthday 😭 I should cancel this whole tour and come back to you.

Your Lovatics will hate me forever! Don't worry, daddy, I can always give you your gift when I see you 😏

Daddy 👅💦: Oh God. How dare you get me all flustered before I have to perform? You're cruel.

😂 😂 Have fun baby, I'll talk to you after your performance. Slay them like always 😘

After my conversation with Demi, I got a sudden burst of energy. Instead of taking a nap, like I had planned, I decided to watch Despicable Me 2. I can't wait to see my baby.


"Demz, it's time to go pray," someone said while they knocked on my dressing room door.

"Yeah, I'll be right out just give me a second," I quickly replied to Leeyah's text and put my phone away.

I walked out and found Nick and the rest of the crew already standing in a circle and waiting for me. I squeezed in between Nick and Jill, my makeup artist. I said the prayer and everyone said their amen's and scattered to go do their job.

Nick was up first so I just stayed on the side of the stage and prepared for my set. I loved being on tour and singing to all these amazing people. Honestly, I'm amazed at how everyone is receiving Body Say but I'm living for it like yaaas!

After a while Nick's set ended and the crowd was still buzzing with excitement. I walked onto the stage, smiling when the crowd cheered louder. I gave Nick a hug and watched him leave the stage.

"Brooklyn if you're ready make some noise!" the crowd cheered loudly and the beat for my first song filled the arena.

"Demi there's someone waiting for you in your dressing room," one of the stage hands said as I came down from the stage, removing my in-ears.

"Who the fuck let them into my dressing room?" I honestly didn't want to sound so angry but I am tired and need sleep.

"They said they were family," the guy stammered while I just sighed and walked to my dressing room.

As soon as I walked in, my anger seemed to escalate. The person wasn't facing me but I knew who it was.

"What do you want?" I spat, the anger laced in my voice.

"That is no way to speak to someone you haven't seen in a long time," his Hispanic drawl was still as heavy as I remembered it. All those memories came flooding into my mind and I could feel my walls slowly crumbling.

"What do you want, Wilmer?"


Mmapetja Leshilo 

Twitter: @LovaticLeshilo
IG: mmapetjal
Snapchat: Petjazana
Dinah Jane stan insta acc: @writeondinah

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