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"Robyn... I-" I was fumbling over my words trying to piece them together in my mind. Things weren't coming out right and the more and more I tried to plead my case it just looked it broke her heart even more.

I gently pulled her into my arms and stroked my fingers through her black curls, as she softly sobbed into my shirt.
"Baby... You know that I love you." I cooed in her ear, "I love you no matter what and you'll always be my little bunny. But how do you know I'm the one you want?"

"I just do, Bianca" she croaked, her voice smothering as she laid against my chest.

I didn't know how exactly to feel, or better yet know what to say. I figured what we had was just a fling every now and again... Not once did I ever think she could possibly love me more than just as my best friend.

A/N: WELCOME NEW READERS! All my support! Thank you all for sticking by while I collect my thoughts! If you like this little short chapter then don't forget to vote and comment. Let me know whatcu think! I'll see you guys soon. Stay tuned for a NEW character... Hmm.

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