Poor princess, She must be broken part1

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Author-sama: so this is why princess is here and in this story i want tro make princess seem a bit less.... offensive.(...? Maybe  that's what i mean) and her sis will be in here and you should know for future references that they're gonna be some more less important versions of the ppgz and rrbz. The ones you obviously need to remeber are the power puff girls z and rowdy ruff boys z and power punk girls z and jj-boys z. Look them up if you dont know them! They are sooo cute!!!!

Boomer: im like brick in that version!

Brick: i have to be the butch... ew

Butch: im the boomer..... OH COME ON!!!

Me: dont worry youre super cute in that version!

Butch: thank you baby you always make me feel good *softly bites my neck and slowly moves his hand up my skirt*

Me: *pushes him away* W-WHY DO I HAVE TO ALWAYS LIKE PERVERTS!!!!

Butch: oh come one your a virgin *does the same thing but more forcefully* i bet it's tight

Author: i-i'm a boomer fan n-now

Butch: *stops and poofs away*

Boomer: hooray *puts his arm around me and takes a bunch of selfies*

Author-sama: *goes with it* ENJOY THE STORY!!!! 😊

Third person.

Princess got out of her bed due to another night mere. She walked to her sisters room and she was up. Her sister was really beautiful. She had the eyes that thier family had. Her's where purple. She had lovely brown luxurious hair. It reached her knees. She wasn't spiled or self centered, she was nice and didn't dress like a royal pain either. She was going to camp today. She'd be there for a whole month. She had on a normal white shirt with a small purple jacket over it she wore plain white shorts that only reached her upper thigh. She had purple Nikes on. Dutch's, her sister, wasn't completely normal like you or i, she had real diamonds attached to the shoes along the edges, she wore a ruby bracelet that matched her sisters but princess's was on her opposite hand. "Dutch's i cant believe youre actually leaving me here alone." Princess complained. "I told you already, you can come with me! It'll be fun." Dutch's smiled at her. Princess frowned at this. "Im not even signed up for your camp." She said. Her sister gave her a wink.  "Money makes the world go around." She said. "And i got the money, what's that have to do with anything?" Princess asked. "Bribe the bus lady to let you on. The dont get paid too much so it wont cost that much, and once we arrive tell them you'll sue  (or sew or sui or however it's spelled) them for everything they have. They'll let you stay. And once they dooo~ you can meet booys~." Dutch's said with a teasing smile on her face. "I'm only intrested in one boy, Dutches you know that." Princess started. She had a small smile on her face. "He's going to, or atleast his name is on the rout sheet." Dutches said. Princess's eyes widen. She ran out the room and back in. She had on a red plain shirt and black shorts that stopped at her upper thigh. Red Jordans and one last thing.... her hair was flattened and put in a bun. "Haha... that was fast. So you're coming?" Dutches laughed out. "Uh-huh. I have my bribe money and ID card so they know me. But i won't put it on untill i actually get there." She said. She went back into her room and put on a red, dark green and dark blue book bag. "That book bag.... yeesh!" Dutches complain while chuckleing alittle. Princess pointed to the red on it. "Bricky-boo." Then to the blue. "Boomy-kun." And finally the dark green. ".... hmm.... i dont know what ill call him." She sighed. "But as long as i love boomy-kun and Myiako doesn't ruin it, it doesn't matter." Princess said. "Well i suppose that's good but it's time to go." Dutches said walking out the house to the bus stop princess followed behind. There bus came from around the corner and stopped in front of them. The money wasn't even necessary. They got on.

(A/N: this is me giving you AND me a mental picture of where they are sitting. Butch is by boomer and momoko is by myiako. They are both in the second to last seat the boys are sitting on the right and the girls on the left. Koaru is sitting by herself and on the opposite side of brick. They are in the last seats.... is that right... im pretty sure that's right if not.... it is now.

Brick: youre so indecisive!

Me: *cries* lemmo alone you bullie!

Boomer: aww *hugs me* leave her alone brick

Brick: uh no

Boomer: *eyes spark with blue lightning* Leave. Her. Alone.

Brick: yeesh, why are you so worked up over her?

Boomer: she's my Dream-chan

Brick: *makes immature faces at me*

Me: 😟 bully! Stop making faces!

Brick: *calmly looks at me and bits his bottom lip and lifts his shirt revelling a six pack*

Me: A-ah! B-B-B-Boomy make him s-Stop...  OH FRICKERS THE STORY!!!! I MUST CONTINUE!!!!!)

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