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"Wake up, Delilah Grace," Austin's familiar voice  calls in my ear.

I hated when he addressed me using half my
name or my full name. It was always Delilah Grace, Delilah Grace Abrams, or Delilah Abrams. Despite the numerous times I've asked him to call me Lilah, he could never address me as that, which is what I prefer since Delilah is an older name that my parents absolutely loved.

My mom's name is Sarah and my dad's name is John. The most basic names in all history and they decided they wanted to give me one of the oldest names in the book. Okay well it's not exactly terrible, I'm named after my great grandma and apparently she was pretty special.

"Wake up," he says a little louder.

"Who let you in?" I groan and roll over to the other side of the bed.

"Your parents obviously," he says sarcastically.

"Why would they do that?"

"Let's think," he lays down next to me, "We've been best friends since middle school and they love me," he laughs.

This I could not dispute. Austin and I have been best friends since the 6th grade, he's the only guy I've ever trusted with everything in me. Yeah, I had a lot of bad relationships and friendships in high school but I could always rely on him and I still can. It's actually great how we ended up. Side note: I don't live with my parents, they're just visiting for a bit.

We both finished high school but he stopped after that because his music career sky-rocketed. I was halfway through my college career when I finally got my dream job of becoming a fitness model. I worked hard for the body I have now and I've earned everything that's been given to me. The two of us have been living out our lives—including Austin's friends and mine—in the heart of Miami.

"I have a big surprise!" he exclaims.

"Dude, I'm trying to sleep. Can it wait till later?" I ask and turn to face him.

He thinks for a second, "No. I'm telling you now whether you like it or not."

I roll my eyes and cup my hand around my ear, indicating that I'm all ears for his big surprise.

"Okay, drum roll please," he asks and I do as told.

"I'm going on a World Tour and I want you to come with me!" he smiles wide.

I'm completely speechless. His first world tour and i'm invited. This is what he's been working towards and I'd be happy to accompany him on this huge milestone. But, I have a job too, which might get in the way.

"Austin, no way!! I'm so happy for you!" I squeal.

We both get up on our knees on my bed so I can give him the biggest hug he's ever received.

"What do you say?" he questions.

"I want to so badly but my job might interfere," I frown.

We're both sitting criss cross and horizontal to each other on my king sized bed. He looks at me, trying to read my emotion, and comes up with a quick solution as usual.

"I'll get Rocco to call your manager and figure out the details. There. Problem solved," he shrugs his shoulders and gets up to walk to my walk-in closet.

"Let's get you dressed, we're going to a celebratory brunch at my house with our friends," he states.

I get up as well and look through things to wear. It's the middle of May so it's pretty warm out. I choose a pair of blue running shorts, a sports bra to match, a grey shirt, and my all white roshes. I step out of my closet and model the outfit.

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