Los Angeles-May 23

72 5 4

"Please just listen to me," he pleads.

At this point, I know it's a dream but I can't make out who I'm talking to. It could be Shawn or Austin but his face is unclear and so is his voice.

"There's nothing to talk about," my dream-self says.

"I love you."

"You said you wouldn't," I sound angry.

Before I can figure out what is even up for discussion, I hear a knock on my hotel door and a lady's voice saying "housekeeping." I open one eye to see that I did not put the do not disturb sign up so I ask her to come back later. Nothing more is said so I assume she left.

Bzzz. Bzzz.

My phone lights up with a message from Austin: Hey, some new magazine wants to do an exclusive interview with me and they asked me to invite you too. Wanna come? We gotta be there by 1:30.

I look at my clock which reads 11:30. I'm so happy I got to sleep in this morning. Before I get up, I reply to Austin telling him I'll do the interview.

I check the weather app to see how warm it'll be today and choose an outfit from there. Something simple seemed like a good idea so I find a pair of jean shorts, a white crop top, the gold necklace and bracelet to match that Austin got me for my birthday last year. For shoes, I choose some small black heels.

My blondish-reddish hair looks good in waves while golden eye shadows make my brown eyes pop. It's my signature look and it only takes me 45 minutes to get myself ready.

Austin sends me his room number and I go down a floor to meet him. Before I can knock, he opens up and looks surprised by our perfect timing.

He looks me up and down, a longing look in his eye, "Ready to go?"

I nod my head and we step into the elevator.

"How'd you sleep?" I ask right before we get to the lobby.

"I was restless.. I kind of needed someone in bed with me," he places his arm around my waist.

"In your dreams, Mahone," I laugh.

We meet his manager by the doors and head to the Star Scoop Magazine headquarters.

Upon our arrival, we are greeted by Colin Miller, the one who will be interviewing us. He gives us a tour of the place and shows us where to get food if we're hungry. Right now, he's interviewing someone before us so we wait inside the room with all the food.

"This place is cool!" Austin exclaims.

"Right? They're super nice and they have free food."

I look over the food and see a batch of brownies on the corner of the table. One of them has my name written all over it.

"What are the odds you eat a handful of blueberries all at once?" he asks as we both walk around the table.

"You know I hate blueberries," I groan.

"That's why I asked. Play the game, Delilah Abrams," he smirks.

"Okay but if I lose then you have to eat some of this cauliflower," I tell him, knowing how much he's hated that white broccoli looking vegetable for as long as I can remember.

"One... two... three..." he counts down.

"7," we say simultaneously.

"Shit," I roll my eyes.

I grab a handful of blueberries and put it in my mouth. The taste is bitter to me and before I can complain, Colin comes in to tell us it's time. He gives me the biggest "too bad so sad" smile and I follow him and Colin out the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2017 ⏰

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