Chapter 1: Introduction

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The clock on the car radio reassured Jason that it was only 5:45, and he didn't need to worry. Only he was very worried. This was his anniversary and it had to be perfect. Not only was it his anniversary, but there was a small box with a ring in it sitting in his pocket. Thinking about the ring sent his brain into panic mode. He winced. He hadn't been aware he was squeezing the steering wheel so hard until the cut off circulation make the needle pricks on his fingers hurt. He had kept pricking his fingertips while making a dress for a woman. She had noticed her shaking when she came in to see his progress. Being concerned, she had asked him if he was okay. In a voice that was squeaky with excitement he had told her: "Im proposing to my boyfriend tonight!" She had hugged him and wished her luck.
Now all of his excitement has settled into a thick anxiety. What if he didn't liked he ring? What if Jason screwed up?
What if he said no?
No. Jason knew Robert would say yes. "Stop worrying he said firmly to himself. He took a deep breath and turned his thoughts to the day he met Robert.

Jason had been sitting at one of the tables in the coffee shop for two hours trying to read, but his head hurt and there was dark haired man at an adjacent table that e was finding very distracting. The man was typing frantically with earbuds in his ears. He could faintly hear David Bowie periodically interrupted by aggressive pounding on the keyboard. He wished the noise away because of the pounding in his head, but he found that the man's manic expressions were rather amusing and much more interesting than The Count of Monte Cristo. After a long inner debate, he decided to introduce himself. He closed his book and moved towards the man's table. Gently, he tapped on his shoulder. The man removed his earbuds. "Hi. Oh! Sorry!", the man said realizing his music could still be heard clearly. "I can turn these off."
"Are you gay?"
That wasn't what Jason had meant to say. He gasped at his own words and slapped his face. The man's eyes went wide and he ran one hand through his meat hair. "Uh. Yes. I'm sorry, do I know you?" The man still sounded polite, bless him. Jason put his hands in front of him wanting to put distance between the two of them. He wanted to run and hide from his idiotic mistake. "I did not mean to ask that. That was rude. My name is Jason and I am incredibly stupid. I- I was going to introduce myself and ease into that but..." He trailed off. The man smiled lightly. Please sit. It's okay. You fucked up majorly, but it's okay. You're cute. Cute ones get a second chance." It didn't even cross Jason's mind to judge that as odd. He was too thankful for the man's grace. He sat down. He glanced up at an attempt to keep some dignity by making eye contact, but when he saw the man's beautiful emerald eyes he had to look away. "I was going to ask you out because I'm gay and if you're gay, then..." The man laughed loudly and Jason's heart sank. "That is the worst attempt at asking someone out I have ever witnessed. My name is Robert." Robert held his hand out to shake. Jason reached for his hand after a small hesitation. "I'd love to go on a date with you." Jason couldn't wait to see those eyes again.

They'd come a long way from then. On the first date they went to the city park at sunset where became apparent that Robert was the sweetest person Jason had ever met. Jason had fallen was over heels. Six months later Jason had moved in with Robert and they fell into a routine. They'd have breakfast together if Robert was awake before Jason left for his job as a tailor. They'd text throughout the day and by lunch Robert would know if he'd be coming home late from a project. Jason would get home and they would cook dinner together or order something if Robert was home yet. If he was still working he would wait up for him. At the end of the night they'd curl up close together in their small bed.

Currently Jason longed for that bed. He was tired and his fingers and wrists hurt. But to night was the night he had been waiting for and that gave him the energy to climb the apartment stairs more quickly than normal rush into the bedroom. He opened the closet and began looking for his good button-up. Suddenly there was a crash from elsewhere in the apartment followed by a scraping noise. Jason's head jerked to the door in alarm. On high alert he moved out of the room. He opened the door to the extra bedroom finding it empty. As he reached for the knob to the bathroom door it swung open.

Standing in the doorway was a tall man wearing an stormy expression and a white t-shirt covered in what was unmistakably blood. He held a knife in one hand and a stained towel in the other.

"Happy anniversary!" Startled, Jason stumbled backwards falling against the hallway wall. "Robert, you can't scare me like that! Christ!" Robert tossed the knife behind him and wiped his hands on the towel. He reached down to help a still wide eyed Jason off of the floor. "Sorry, sweetie. I got home earlier than I expected. Let me take a quick shower and I'll be ready." Standing up, Jason stood slightly shorter than his boyfriend. He reached up and kissed him chastely. "Did the project go well?" He looked down at the bloody shirt. He tended to worry a bit when Robert came home like this. He lived with a constant fear in the back of his head that Robert would get too messy and get caught. Robert entwined his fingers in Jason's long, curly hair. "It went swimmingly. They'll never find him and the fish in the river will feast... Heh. Get it? Swimmingly?" Jason snorted and buried his face in the other's neck. "You're a dork." Robert laughed. "So, about that shower...?"

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