Chapter 2: Breadsticks and rings

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"So where are we going?"
They were walking down the streets of the city holding hands tightly. Jason thought for a moment. In all of the excitement of planning the proposal and getting a ring he had forgotten to actually pick a restaurant. Mentally slapping himself, he was now glad Robert had gotten home early. It's hard to meet someone somewhere when you have no idea where you're meeting. He tried to think of what was nearby. "Uh, Olive Garden is around the corner?"
"Breadsticks!" Robert giggled to himself. Jason laughed, his breath forming fog in the cold air. "You literally kill people, and then giggle over breadsticks?"Robert shrugged, grinning. "Breadsticks are good."
Abruptly, Robert froze. They both heard a rustle in the alley a bit in front of them and then a can hit Jason's chest. "What the hell?"
"Hey, fags!", a voice from the dim passage yelled. "Fucking homos, c'mere! Got somethin' for ya!" A young guy in a t-shirt stumbled out of the shadows holding a dirty knife. Jason squeezed Robert's hand as the taller man reached into his jeans pocket. He saw a look in his eyes he had grown familiar with. "Look, man", Jason spoke, only a slight quiver in his voice. "This is not a fight you want. Trust me."
"There ain't gonna be a fight" there was a slur in his voice. Jason was too nervous to look down and check, but he was pretty sure the can had once been filled with beer. Robert squeezed his boyfriend's hand and then let go. "You're right about that." The drunk stepped forward only a few feet from them now. "Is that a fucking challenge?" Robert rushed the man suddenly, pushing him back into the alley. Jason saw the man's knife fly from his hand and onto the concrete. He heard Robert say something, but couldn't make out the words. He caught the tone though and knew what was about to happen. The next sound he heard was a choked noise of pain and a wet crunch.
Robert emerged with a bit of blood on his hands. He had managed to stay otherwise clean. "Sorry you had to see that." There was true remorse in his voice. "I'll understand if you're not still up for dinner." Jason rolled his eyes slightly and smiled. "Of course I am. I'm always up for breadsticks." Robert thanked god that his boyfriend wasn't squeamish.
On the way to Olive Garden Robert washed the blood from his hands in a fountain that stood in front of a Chinese restaurant.
Sitting in the booth, they were enjoying their meals, though Jason are a bit slowly. He put his fork down and stared intently at Robert. He took a moment to admire his dark hair hazel eyes. In complete adoration he saw the smile that they held. Then he noticed the curiosity and amusement then just gained.
"You're staring, dear"
"Yeah, I guess I am. Just appreciating you is all."
Their staring continued. Shaking himself out of his thought, Jason reached into the pocket oh his coat, laid beside him on the booth. He took out a small black velvet box and placed it beside Robert's drink. Robert turned his staring to the box. After a moment of considering what he guessed was in it he slowly opened it. Inside was a black and silver ring. He took it out and examined it.
"Will you marry me?"
He looked up at Jason who was shaking now. He scoffed and smiled.
"Yeah.", his voice was low.
Jason beamed. "Why are you whispering?"
"It's either I whisper or I scream. I don't think I can just talk."
A waiter approached the table an asked if they needed anything. Robert pointed a Jason and whispered "We're going to marry each other!" The waiter smiled. "Congratulations!"
"When do we get married? Do we invite people?"
They were holds hands over the table. Robert was switching between looking at his ring and looking at his Fiancé. "Well," Jason began. "I suppose we can as soon as we figure out what we're doing for the ceremony- if we have one. We don't have many friends and since you don't have family and I am leaving mine out of this I was thinking we could go to the court house and then get together with whoever we want to invite."
Robert nodded enthusiastically. "We can invite Michael and Sonja! And Seph!"
The waiter approached again. "Here you go!" She sat a piece of cake in between them. Jason looked up and started to object. She held a hand up. "If someone is going to et engaged here there is no way I'm not giving them cake. They thanked her perhaps a bit too loudly.
Robert lifted his spoon and touched the icing. He glanced at it and almost immediately dabbed it on Jason's nose.
When they walked home the body in the alley was forgotten. Neither man could remember feeling this ecstatic.

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