Can I Sleep With You?

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{Continuing exactly from the last chapter}
Beep! Beep! Beep!* Clara opened her eyes back up and laughed. The Doctor did the same. 'Dang it! We were so close!' She thought. "And that, would be my alarm." She whispered. *Beep! Beep! Beep!* The beeping noise that came from Clara's alarm got louder. "I should, probably, go and get that." Clara smiled. She walked back down the hall towards her room. 'She's so perfect. Perfectness in those little blue shorts that are just a bit too tight.' The Doctor said in his mind. "No! Stop it!" He whispered and straightened. "Come on Doctor." Clara called from her room as she hit the alarm clock. The Doctor swiftly walked down the hall to Clara's room. "Clara how come you don't have a guest bedroom in this huge flat?" The Doctor questioned. "Well, I do, but it doesn't have a bed because, well, nobody ever comes to see me. I use it as an office for marking over the weekend. Lots of work to be done." Clara sighed. "So, shall I sleep in the TARDIS or..." The Doctor questioned. "Well, I thought you could just...sleep here with me. I know you don't have a room on the TARDIS." Clara said as she jumped onto the big bed with the TARDIS blue sheets. 'She looks so cute and small in this bed.' The Doctor thought. "I wouldn't mind if you did." She said. "Oh, well then I guess I'll sleep here with you..." The Doctor said. The Doctor slipped off his shoes and socks and took off his purple tweed jacket. "Clara you don't mind if I-" he started, pointing to his white shirt and brown vest. "No Doctor I don't mind, you get as comfortable as you like." She said fluffing the pillows. The Doctor slipped off the purple bow tie and undid his shirt buttons. Clara couldn't help but watch out of the corner of her eye still fluffing pillows. "Need some help?" Clara asked as he struggled to undo the last button. "Um, yes please." He smiled. Clara slipped off the bed and undid The Doctor's last button. "I need to, use the loo. Pick a side." Clara said as she rushed through the door to her bathroom. She looked at herself in the mirror. Her cheeks were a light crimson and her hair was a bit messy. "Wow...I didn't know The Doctor was, muscular. I thought he was just a tall and skinny bloke." 'I know right! He's hot!' Her mind said. "I never said that!" She whispered. Clara walked over to the toilet and flushed it so he'd think she used the loo. She washed her hands and fixed her hair once more pulling it up into a ponytail. "Okay, let's do this." Clara said.
"Do what?" The Doctor questioned as Clara opened the door. "Oi!" Clara jumped. "You scared me! Don't do that!" She said punching him playfully in the arm. "Oi! You punched me." He said. "Yeah, what are you gonna do about it?" Clara said seductively. "This!" The Doctor said running to Clara as she ran towards the bed. The Doctor grabbed Clara by the waist and tickled her sides. She screamed a high pitched scream. He knew she was very ticklish. "Doctor! Doc- Stop it! N- No!" Clara laughed uncontrollably. "Now now, say it nicely Miss Oswald." The Doctor said loudly over her laughs. "P-Plea-" She tried. "What's that Clara?" The Doctor teased. "Please stop!" She yelled still laughing. "Stop what?" He laughed. "Please stop tickling me!" Clara yelled. "Fine." He said stopping. The Doctor was now crouched above Clara's small body. She was lying on the bed helplessly, with both of The Doctor's hands on either side of her head and her hips between his knees pinning her down. Clara's breathing was rough and he watched as her chest moved rhythmically up and down. "Doctor?" Clara started, causing The Doctor to look back at her big brown eyes. "Do you work out?" She asked laughing. "Well, yes. Would you like to feel my muscles?" The Doctor asked with his big goofy grin. "Sure!" Clara giggled. He sat up onto her thighs and she pulled herself up. The Doctor flexed his biceps and Clara squeezed his arm. "Bigger than I'd've thought." Clara giggled giving the Doctor two thumbs up. "Thank you!" He laughed. "We should probably go to bed now." Clara said turning to the clock on her nightstand. "It's already 4:30!" Clara said surprised. "Well, why don't we just stay home tomorrow. No adventure. No danger. Just us. Me and you." The Doctor said. "You and I." Clara corrected him. "What?" He asked. "You said me and you Doctor. It's actually you and I." She said giggling. "Clara why are you correcting a thousand year old alien on his English?" The Doctor asked her leaning a bit closer. "I'm an English teacher." Clara said giggling again, this time also leaning closer. They both started to close their eyes. "I think staying home tomorrow is a really... good... idea." Clara voice faded as their lips came to be centimeters apart. The Doctor wrapped his arms around Clara's waist closing the gap between them. They didn't crash their lips together, but they kissed ever so gently. Clara put her hands on The Doctor's neck bringing his body closer. She pushed her hand through his floppy hair ruffling it messily. He tightened his grip around her small frame trying to bring her as close as possible. The kiss became more heated and The Doctor pushed Clara back down onto the bed crouching over her parting their lips for a few seconds to catch their breath. He crashed his lips back onto hers and licked Clara's bottom lip asking for entrance. Clara parted her lips ever so slightly and The Doctor's tongue swirled around hers. The Doctor started planting kisses on Clara's jawline, down her neck, and back up to the sweet spot right under her ear. Clara gave a low moan and arched her back off the bed. "Doctor..." Clara whispered. Hearing his name sent shiver down his spine. "Doctor!" Clara said louder. What?" He said between kisses. "I need to-ohhh!" Clara moaned as The Doctor sucked at her neck. "I need to- I nee-" Clara tried. "I need to pee!" Clara yelled into The Doctor's ear giggling. "Really Clara?" He said looking into her eyes. "Yes." She laughed. "Didn't you just go?" He asked. "No... I was, fixing myself up... for you." Clara replied smiling. "Clara, you never have to fix yourself up for me. You're perfect just the way you are. My Impossible Girl." The Doctor smiled at her. "That's awfully sweet Doctor but if you don't get off of me in the next ten seconds I might wet myself!" Clara said loudly laughing. "Oh right, sorry." He said as he jumped off of Clara onto one side of the bed. "I will be, right back!" Clara said rushing into the loo.
Two minutes later The Doctor had gotten under the covers and slipped on some old grey sweatpants he left last Tuesday on Clara's couch. When Clara came out of the loo he noticed she had fixed herself up again. "Clara stop fixing yourself up." The Doctor said. "Why?" Clara asked. "Because you were perfect how you were. Your hair was messy because of me and your lips were a little swollen. You looked sexy like that." The Doctor admitted winking at Clara. "Oh yeah?" Clara said seductively walking back to the bed. She swayed her hips unnecessarily making The Doctor watch her intently licking his lips. She got up into the bed and pulled the covers back so she could sit right on top of The Doctor's hips. She leaned down slowly until her chest brushed his lightly. "Then do it again." Clara whispered into The Doctor's ear. She gently nibbled The Doctor's ear and licked his jaw to his lips. She immediately slipped her tongue into The Doctor's mouth and swirled it around his. The Doctor put one hand in the small of Clara's back and the other on her butt. "Nice ass." He said against her lips. "I know right." Clara replied giggling. Clara put her left hand on The Doctor's chest and her right into his already messy hair. "Nice pecks." Clara laughed. "Thanks. I work out." The Doctor replied. "So I've heard." Clara said. The Doctor pulled Clara closer so she was laying stop him with her full weight. Clara deepened the kiss and gently bit The Doctor's lip causing him to send out a low moan. Clara's pelvis rubbed against The Doctor's erection causing him to buck his hips. "Eager?" Clara asked. "Maybe..." The Doctor said in a low seductive tone. "I love that sexy voice of yours." Clara whispered. She nipped the tip of his ear sending shivers down his spine. They both sat up and Clara crashed her lips onto The Doctor's. Her hands grabbed the back of his neck pulling him closer, while his hands slowly slid down her sides to the bottom of her shirt. He lifted the shirt up over her head and threw it to the floor. The Doctor laid back onto the bed pulling Clara with him while never breaking the heated kiss. She ruffled his hair and he started sucking her neck. Clara moaned his name loudly. The Doctor swiftly flipped Clara over so that he was on top and she was on bottom. He slipped her tight shorts down her legs and threw them onto the floor next to her shirt. Clara could see The Doctor's erection in his sweatpants and started to rub it with her fingers. The Doctor moaned lowly. He put his hands under her back and easily unclipped Clara's bra exposing her full breasts. The Doctor started kneading her breasts and continued to kiss her. He licked down her neck, over her breast, and down her stomach causing Clara to arch her back. He put the waistband of her black underwear in his mouth and pulled them down her legs. He grabbed the bra and underwear and threw them off the bed. She was fully exposed and he stared at her small, slim, tan body so he would never forget this moment. "I can work with this." The Doctor laughed. Clara grabbed The Doctor's waistband and pulled off his sweatpants exposing his long erection. "Hm, I thought it'd be bigger." Clara said. "Hey!" The Doctor exclaimed. Clara winked and smiled at him. Then she grabbed the back of his neck and crashed his lips onto hers. He rubbed his erection against Clara's body and she moaned lowly. "Come on now Doctor, don't be a tease!!" Clara complained. The Doctor slid into Clara and she arched her back. Their breaths became short and staggered as The Doctor thrusted his hips into Clara's. She wrapped her legs around his waist and her nails were digging into his back. As they each reached their climax a little while later Clara screamed his name at the top of her lungs. The Doctor laid atop Clara both gasping for air. The Doctor looked into Clara's eyes and gently kissed her soft silky lips. These were Clara's most favorite kisses. Sure, she liked the heated, deep, tongue kisses that lead to sex but she liked the slow, gentle, soft ones more. Those kisses are how you always know that they love you. Clara had this kind of kiss with only one other person, Danny Pink. But now Danny Pink was gone and Clara was with The Doctor, as she should be. Everything was perfect. The Doctor laid next to Clara on her left and pulled her close. She laid her head atop his chest so she could listen to the rhythm of his heartbeats. The Doctor ran his fingers through Clara's short brown hair and rubbed her hand with his thumb. She looked at their fingers that were intertwined. They fit perfectly together as if they were made for one another. "Doctor?" Clara started. She looked up at him and rested her chin on his chest. "Hm?" The Doctor questioned looking into her big brown saucer eyes. "I just wanted to let you know that.... I love you. I really love you, and I don't want you to ever forget that." Clara smiled but her eyes inflated and she started tearing up. "Clara, Oswald. I love you more than anything in all of the universes and I will never ever let you go." The Doctor told her. "Promise?" "Promise. Cross my hearts." He replied, as he wrote two x's on his chest with his finger. "Goodnight Doctor." Clara said yawning. "Goodnight my Impossible Girl. Love you." The Doctor replied to an already sleeping Clara.

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