So close yet so far

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(Note: all characters and events depicted on this story are fictional)

We made it quite a ways before we ran into trouble. By now I had "woken up" so they gave me a spare set of gear because I knew how to use it and because I wasn't going to be an annoying piece of luggage when I could fight. We rode in silence as the jeep bounced along on the, well, not dirt road, more like unkempt path. We made it to the LZ in time if not a bit late. So when we got their the armored Giants were waiting for us.  We barely got ought of the car in Time but I was last. We returned fire as soon as possible. One or two went down, none of us were counting. At least they were killable. We all ran for the chopper because the pilots weren't gonna wait for us. I couldn't keep up and I was too late. The chopper was away before I was in but I did manage to hold on to the edge. But a shot landed right next to my hand and debris shards flew into my hands and I let go. I fell into the woods but we were at low altitude. I passed out. I just came out of the frying pan and into the shit.

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