prologue - new initiative

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Dedicated to deanstiel because i want to. tough. banner made by @SilverMoonShadow, I suggest you go request something from her amazing skills.

Dean Winchester, a hunter of the supernatural who has lost so much. The only person he loves, besides his deceased father, his brother, Sam, is now lost on the world. He's made the decision to start over anew. Three months ago he drove off in his 1967 black Chevy Impala and never stopped until he reached the Federal Bureau of Investigation headquarters in Washington D.C.

Dean had a change of heart. He no longer wanted to run around with fake IDs and earn felonies, he wanted to bring these damned monsters to the Feds and take them down accordingly without any problems. He was unrelenting. The first time the FBI glanced at him, they laughed, literally laughed in his face.

"Mr. Winchester, you do realize you have multiple charges held against you and what you're referring is ridiculous. The supernatural, really?" The condescending man in a suit snickered. Dean has never been a fan of people who disdain him, so after that moment, it was no surprise he received what he wanted.

Less than two months later, he had his badge in hand and a crisp suit and navy blue tie on. That man who criticized him on the first day he ever stepped foot in the headquarters, was now glaring from the group of those who were working in his department. Why did the FBI accept him after all of his stories of the supernatural? Simple, Dean loved being challenged, so he literally dragged a vampire, barring teeth and all, into the entrance hall and with a machete, cleanly decapitated it. That gained him a few stares and the attention he wanted.

He then proceeded to leave the bloody corpse with sordid teeth on the polished white floors before placing a sign on its chest that read: Vampiro, Vampire. Here's your proof. There was no need to leave a name, everyone would know who he was by the cameras and the complaints by the people concerned for their lives. Not three days later he receives a call on his cell that told him to come down to the headquarters immediately. Since then, he was showing the FBI how to kill, stalk, and ward off many different supernatural creatures. After a month and twelve days he earned his badge and now was the starter of a new department entitled as Supernatural Criminal Investigation.

He isn't the head of the division, just a mere lackey. That didn't matter though; all Dean wanted to do was start off fresh. Sam left Dean from all the stress of hunting together. "We are more of a liability together." Those were Sam's last words. Dean took it as best as he could. Sammy left with a new car and started what he assumed was a new life somewhere in the US, but kept off the grid. He knew his brother, if he started a new life with a girl and possibly a family; he didn't want anything supernatural coming and ruining it all...again.

"Winchester," A head popped into his desk area abruptly. "I don't quite see you as an office man." Damned Travis...Dead thought. He hated the socialization of this job. Everyone just wanted to know his history after they heard about his hunting, but Dean didn't want to spill his life out to everyone, and he never will.

"What do you want Travis? Or did you come here to bother me?" He was definitely annoyed to the point of exhaustion.

"What're you looking at?" Travis ignored Dean's persistent questions and was completely oblivious to irritated manner. He stepped next to Dean in his personal area uninvited. Peering at over Dean's shoulder at the computer screen he assessed what was being reviewed. "Angels?" Son of a bitch this guy is like a more infuriating little brother than Sam was. Dean groaned inwardly then pushed his wheeled-chair out away from the desk before standing up.

"Yes I'm researching more about angels. Is that a problem?" Dean snapped at the younger man. The smatters of very small freckles were slightly visible at the close distance between the two. "Do you want to follow me around like a little puppy Travis? And you know what, you're correct, I'm not an office kind of guy! I'm the kind of guy that wants to be out in the field killing those sons of bitches that are ravaging average people!" Dean's already manly voice was deeper and gruffer than usual. Some people actually poked their heads from around their desks to see what all the commotion was about.

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