one - case blues

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Banner made by @SilverMoonShadow. (also dedicated to her cute face) enjoy, maybe there will be angsty eyes sex, who knows?

"Let's get one thing straight, if you try anything, I will kill you. I'm not incompetent, I know how." Dean stated clearly from the driver's seat of his 'baby'. Castiel glanced at him from the passenger's side oddly.

"You are very giving of threats. But, I will inform you that I'm not here to harm you in any way, I'm only interested in doing what's right for my father and the rest of heaven." Castiel sat up straight and kept his eyes focused directly on the road. Dean groaned inwardly at his goody two-shoes attitude.

"Whatever, just let me lead." He parked his car next to the crime scene they were sent to investigate. The two were told to go enter a small café on the other side of town. Dean had briefly scanned to case file to know what he's dealing with. A whole twenty people in the café all died at approximately the same time and seemed to all have burned-out eyes and two stab wounds, one directly above the heart and another under the chin. That was Dean's summary of the scene they were currently standing at. The two passed under the police tape and met the officer in charge.

"Dean Winchester, with the FBI," Dean flashed his badge to the decorated officer and gestured to the awkward Castiel. "And this here is my partner Castiel." He stood completely still while observing the officer with squinted eyes and a face resembling a 'blue steel'. Dean elbowed him gently. "Show him your badge." He had hissed. Following Dean's orders, he pulled out the FBI badge within his inner pocket, but when he showed the officer, he wasn't very great at it. His badge was upside down without his knowledge. Dean sighed and spun it around for him while Castiel watched quizzically.

"Sorry, we are rookies." Dean smiled apologetically at Officer Brandy.

"Right, well, they probably shouldn't have placed rookies on this job. This is one hell of a massacre. I've never seen anything like it and that's coming from someone who has been on the force for forty years." Dean pulled out a small notepad with a pen to prepare to take a few notes.

"Castiel, take a look around, I've got this from here." He obeyed and walked off to observe the various corpses that rested in the vinyl booths. "Were there any witnesses?" Dean questioned.

"None whatsoever, everyone was murdered and not one passerby noticed a thing." Officer Brandy shook his head and clicked his tongue. "It's a shame you know? People nowadays, they can't take their eyes off of their cell phones once to look around and notice a massacre."

"I agree, what do you think happened here?" He proposed wanting to get a little insight from someone who isn't a hunter specializing in the supernatural.

"I think some sick bastard came and thought that since he didn't get the right order went on a killing spree."


"Psh, no, hell if I knew what happened here. Now there are all these mental diseases, maybe he had one of them and just couldn't think straight. But I'll tell you one thing, this is disgusting, who would deliberately kill each person the same way and burn their eyes out? Repulsive."

"Thanks officer." After finishing his last word, he placed the notepad back into his suit jacket and went to scan the café for himself.

Peering into the faded red vinyl booths, it wasn't too gory, but there was definitely enough blood spilled to fill at least two humans. On the floor to his left lied a young girl, couldn't be more than sixteen. Her blonde hair was spread wide around her while her mouth was permanently agape with fear. The white uniform collared shirt read "Royal Burgers" just centered to the left. The white shirt seemed deliberately stained with blood.

"Castiel..." Dean spoke while drifting on his own train-of-thought. In seconds Castiel was beside him examining the body as well.

"What's wrong, she looks the same as everyone else?"

"No, look at the blood spatters, they're different, more hesitated." Dean stepped over her body and stood between the girl and the older man in his forties that was sitting at the diner bar. "See, here," Dean pointed to the first stab wound, the one just above the heart. "This stab is supposed to have the victim live, that's also why they all have a wound under their chin, to directly pierce the brain. The girl's first wound though isn't on target." His finger then pointed to the girl's chest. "It might only be an inch, but this one missed the target, the blade dipped slightly above the heart, but then was stabbed an inch under, actually penetrating the heart." Standing back up from squatting, Dean looked at Castiel who was still looking at the bodies.

"Why would someone deliberately hit her heart, and no one else's?"

"I don't quite know what you're asking." Dean sighed and grabbed Castiel's wrist. He shoved his left hand on the girl's chest, directly in the blood while his right hand was in the blood of the forty year old. "The woman's chest is moister than that of the man's."

"Correct, which means, she was killed latter than most of these people. Why?"

"Maybe his hand was shaking as he was killing her, or she was in the back and didn't come out to the killing later?" Castiel inquired.

"That's a possibility, but I think the killer liked this girl, knew her even, so he made her death one that was fast, but still had to present her like everyone else." Dean said confidently.

"So how is this supernatural related?" Castiel asked.

"I'm not quite sure, but we can discuss that at the office." Dean headed towards the entrance and said, "Package all the bodies and hand them to the forensics at the FBI headquarters."


"Castiel, you won't like my theory here..." Dean proposed while both were seated in the conference room. Castiel's glacier-cold eyes probed Dean's intricate green orbs questioningly.

"What do you think is happening?"

"The only beings I know that are extremely precise and can burn human's eyes out are angels." By the time Dean uttered out the last word, Castiel was on his feet.

"None of my family would ever do this to humans! We protect them under the name of God! How could you accuse such celestial beings of this massacre?"

"Dammit Cas, dig your mind out of the gutter! Think, what supernatural freaks do you know that could do this?!" Castiel froze and stared at the rational hunter. "Angels are the only possibility. You have a traitor in your midst Castiel. You're going to help me take this bastard down one way or another."

Castiel didn't speak. He glared harshly at the hunter then flashed off to God knows where.

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