Episode 2

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Author Note: Okie dokie, kinda short. The next one will be longer, promise! <3


Eun Chae did her utmost best to avoid any of her Bae Loving enemies in the halls the next day. She knew that if any of them caught her, she was better off dead. She found excuses to leave class early, go to the bathroom at that strategic moment, and somehow dodge all bullets until the end of the day when she ran not into the fan-girls, but the prince himself, "Oh man," she groaned, trying her best to inch past him as he opened his locker.

"You are aware you are perhaps the most noticeable person  in this entire city, right?" Bae called over his shoulder and Eun Chae winced, "Listen, I'll forget all about yesterday, thus getting rid of your little bully issue, if you answer me one question."

Eun Chae eyed him suspiciously, "What question...?"

Bae turned around, looking her in the eye with that same smug smile he'd worn the day before, "Do you find me attractive?"

Eun Chae gaped at him; THAT was his question? She furrowed her eyebrows, "Why would I find you attractive? You're a jerk who enjoys pushing people with less status and money around! I find you to be a useless, conceited, arrogant, selfish loser!"

Now it was Bae's turn to gape, "Huh!?"

"Yeah, you heard me! There's what I think of you!" Eun Chae turned and tripped over an open locker and face planted on the floor, "Owie," she whimpered as she hauled herself to her feet.

"See, I said you were a klutz," Bae nodded matter-of-factly, "weirdo."

Eun Chae spun around, "It's Eun Chae, jerky boy!" she stomped off, almost tripping over her untied laces as she turned a corner.

"That girl is officially crazy and the biggest klutz I've ever seen..." Bae shook his head, "and who is she calling a loser? Last time I checked, I was the wealthy prince and she was the lowly commoner; how am I the loser?"

Eun Chae hopped onto her bike, happy she was going to get moving when Kyun stopped her, "Hey, I saw you and Prince Li in the hallway; what was-?"

"Stop right there!" Eun Chae held up a hand and almost fell off of her bike, "If you plan to lecture me on how I need to be kind to that airbag of a loser then stop talking right now! I don't like him, he doesn't like me, it's mutual."

"I was just gonna ask if he was talking to you about something..." Kyun interjected quietly.

"Oh-ho-ho, yes he was!" Eun Chae hissed, "He was telling me what a ditz I was, friendly, huh?" she glared at the building across the street as if it was some unseen enemy.

"Huh?" Kyun was confused, "He called you a ditz?"

"Well, a klutz, same difference!"

"Why, Bae seems too sweet to-!"

"Argh! You are all brainwashed and in this guy's cult or something!" Eun Chae fumed and kicked off on her bike, leaving Kyun and the school far behind her. She arrived home the same time as her Father, who got out of the car and hugged her.

"Eun Chae!" she felt her anger dissolve in her father's arms, "so, how was school?" he took her school bag from her as she recounted her day of horrible proportions.

"I mean, I guess it could be worse..." Eun Chae concluded by looking at her parents, "So, how was your day?"

Her parents were staring at her. Her mother spoke first, "You... got in a fight with Crown Prince Bae Li...?"

Eun Chae nodded, "Yeah... he's a big meanie."

Her father shook his head, "Honey... he's a prince."

Eun Chae raised an eyebrow, "Really? That's his excuse for being a total asshole? See, I hate the way that people look at me because I fight with him. I'm not going to let some spoiled brat with a title mess with me and get away with it!"

Her mother bit her lower lip, "That's not quite why I'm a little...flustered."

"Honey, we need to talk," her father put a hand on Eun Chae's knee.


At the palace, the Queen and the Queen Mother (we'll just call her Mother) were discussing Bae's future, "I know of  no suitors that are eligible, at least confirmed as worthy by my late husband..." the queen spoke, straightening the skirt of her hanbok as she did so.

Mother smiled sadly, "Yes...but I do believe there was one that was destined since birth..."

"Your Highness?" the Queen looked at Mother in confusion, "I was not aware of this."

Mother laughed, "It was between his late highness and I, but I do believe it's time to let the cat out of the bag, so to speak. See, his majesty had a friend, a close friend he was very fond of, who has a daughter the same age as Bae. His Highness wanted them to be wed, see, even though his friend was a commoner."

"A commoner!?" the Queen gasped, "We-how would that look-oh my goodness..."

Mother grinned, "It would make us look good in the eyes of the people, however, Bae will hate us for it."

The quuen was even more confused, "Why would he hate us?"

"You know that girl you hear him ranting about, Eun Chae?"

"......Oh my goodness, it's her isn't it?"


"What!?" Eun Chae screamed as her parents told her about the engagement.

"It was a promise to the late emperor, Eun Chae, do understand-" her father tried to explain, but Eun Chae was hysterical.

"Sweet Jesus Christ superstar! That's not right! A commoner isn't supposed to marry a prince, especially THAT one! Aah! Not cool man! You can't make me marry that guy! Not a way in hell!"

"Too late! It's arranged!" her mother cut in.

"That makes it WORSE!" Eun Chae whined, "Why is it always me, god, WHY!?"

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