Chapter 2

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I checked my watch to see I had only been here for less then 10 minutes. It sure felt longer.

"I'll be right back" I called out to Louis. He didn't even bother to look up at me. I walked out of the room, gladly. I really hope the whole year wasn't going to be like this, because I really didn't need his ego getting in the way of this opportunity. I walked toward the teacher's lounge and peaked in. I saw a familiar brunette making a cup of coffee.

"Rosie!" I squealed. My best friend turned to look at me. "Oh My God! Tori! It's you!" She exclaimed enthusiastically. At least someone was glad to see me. I gave her a hug. I hadn't seen her since graduation, and we'd lost touch over the summer since she'd gone to Paris to study abroad.

"What are you doing here?" I asked

"I'm the new art teacher" she laughed.

This is great! I have a friend here at least. "What are you doing here?" said excitedly, her dimples popping out as she smiled.

"I'm the assistant slash helper for theater" I smiled.

"Well, well well. I guess all those acting camps and school musicals really payed off" she teased, picking up her coffee from the counter.

"Yep" I grinned. "But the teacher is the problem.

"Louis Tomlinson? He's flirted with me like 12 times since I'd got here" she playfully rolled her eyes.

"He's been nothing but rude to me" I explained. "What's his deal?"

Rosie took a long sip of her coffee, eyes squinting in thought. "I don't really know, but he's a total creep"

Her phone buzzed, and she set down her coffee to check it.

"30 minutes until the arrival of my students!" She squealed. "I've got to go! Good luck girl"

She gave me a quick hug and raced out the door waving goodbye.

I took a seat in one of the chairs and sighed. I surely didn't want to go back into the theater room with Louis in there. I sat in thought for a couple of minutes when the door burst open.

Speak of the devil.... It was Louis. Just great.

"You should be in my room, helping. Get in there" he icily instructed, grabbing a cup and beginning to make coffee. I honestly didn't have time for his crap right now.

"You need to seriously cool it with the attitude" I spoke, getting up from my chair.

"Don't tell me what to do" He growled.

He growled at me, he literally growled.

"Go take you and your pretty little face into the classroom, and get some work done. Don't forget that your only an assistant, sweetie"

"Don't call me sweetie!" I glared at him and he smirked.

I stalked out of the room, extremely pissed at this guy. Did he really think he was all that? I glanced at the clock that was perched on the wall across from me. 25 minutes, I better get in there. I was already beginning to see some cars and buses pulling in.

Louis POV

"Don't call me sweetie!" She glared at me, and I smirked. I had surely ticked her off. She stomped out of the room, her long waves of hair squishing back and forth.

I was extremely annoyed when the school decided theater needed an assistant. I'd been teaching this class for 2 fucking years, I didn't need some amateur trying to run the show. But I must admit, this Valerie or Vicky girl or whatever, was pretty hot. It was amusing at hell to see her fuse up every time I came near her.

I took a sip of my coffee, which instantly burned my tongue.

"Shit!" I yelled. I'm really going to need to watch my language if I'm going to be teaching middle schoolers. I flung the cup into the trash can and picked up a new one which I filled with water. I gulped the whole thing down, but my tongue was still burnt and I had this horrible taste in my mouth.

I glared at no one in particular and trudged out of the room, slamming the door behind me. I had some mints in my desk somewhere, hopefully that would do the trick, and hopefully she was still there so I could tick her off again.

Victoria's POV

I found 117 once more and walked in. Louis wasn't there, so this time I could really explore all the interesting stuff in here. A Marilyn Monroe figurine was perched up on a cabinet and I spotted a Les Miserables program lined up with a bunch of others. I scanned the display to see my favorite Musical of all time, Wicked. I went towards it, and ran my hand over the artwork, which was of Elphaba and Glinda. It instantly brought back memories. The catchy music, the dramatic plot line, the bonding between the two very different witches that learned to get a long. I instantly felt better, and I frankly didn't care if Louis doesn't like me. I sure don't like him.

But soon, it all vanished when I heard a stern voice behind me.

"What the hell are you doing"

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