Chapter 8

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My body melted as our lips moved together in synch. I felt all my thoughts and worries wash away, and we began to get more and more into it. I opened my eyes for a second and glanced at the clock. School..

I mentally slapped myself for looking at the clock, because the events from last night came washing over me. Louis...kissed me, and as much as I didn't want to believe it, I actually enjoyed it.

I pulled back from Harry, both of us panting from the embrace.

"What's wrong love? Should we take this to the bedroom" Harry smirked.

"I can't do this" I told him, shuffling around to grab my bag and jacket.

"Woah, what, is it something I did?" Harry asked, eying me and I rounded up my belongings.

I sighed, and paused to look at him.

"Yes it's something you did! I don't even know you, not to mention your some kind of creepy, pervert. Today was great thank you, but I really shouldn't have come here.' "Could you take me back to the school?"

Stunned by my words, all Harry said was "Sure" as he ran his fingers through his perfect curls in confusion.


I fit the key into the lock, and turned it. The door opened, and I let out a heavy sight before slamming it shut. I leaned against my apartment door and let out a deep sigh. What the hell is wrong with me? I couldn't just go around kissing guys, I didn't even have time for this. I had a career to think about. I really needed to get my already mixed up life in order.

I went over to the bathroom and started running a hot bath. I stripped off my clothes and dipped my foot in the lukewarm water, and then finally sunk into it. The warm feeling instantly calmed my nerves. I took the frothy soap bubbles in my hand and felt like I was 5 again, pretending I was Ariel from The Little Mermaid.

I just needed to breath, and focus on the things that really mattered. But Harry... but Louis. I instantly felt like Miley in that one episode of Hannah Montana where Miley has to choose between Jesse and Jake. Honestly, I'd always liked Jesse better, but the difference was, she knew that they cared about her and she knew that no matter who she chose, they just wanted her to be happy.

I let out a frustrated sigh. My phone instantly buzzed and I dried my hand with a towel. I checked the caller I.D and saw it was Louis who had called. I pressed answer.

"Hello?" I said.

"I remember more then just the kiss,okay? I remember how it felt, I remember how good I made you feel. I know I apologized for kissing you, but I take that back. Victoria, I'm not sorry that I kissed you, or that I met you or that when I'm with you, I feel like a whole different person. A person that has hope, a person that has happiness, and person who has everything. I don't give a crap about titles, the fact that your working for me, or any of that bullshit. You make me feel alive, like I can do anything...and I've never felt anything like that before

I sit there, naked in the warm tub. I smell the essence of the lavender bath soap. My eyes have widened and my mouth felt dry, shocked by his words. If only it could be so easy. But I had to tell him what happened with Harry and I. It was the right thing to do, and I hated that.

"Hello? Still there" Louis asked.

"Y-yeah. Louis there's something I need to tell you"

"There is?" I sensed hope in his voice, and it made this even harder to do. But I managed up all the courage and said the 4 deadly words.

"Harry and I kissed"

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