Chapter 10

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Harry: Be there in 10

And as soon as I'd sent the text, I'd instantly regretted it.

I paced back and forth, not caring if I felt dizzy or nauseous, until there was a knock at the door. I felt a burst of confidence, anger, despair, heartbreak but especially hatred flow through me. And what I was about to do was something I would never be able to forget.

I marched over to the door, swung it open and grabbed Harry by the collar of his shirt and kissed him. It didn't feel romantic or personal

Harry pulled away, his eyes widening.

"I thought you weren't into me like that."Harry stated

I tossed my hair and let out a seductive breath. "People change."

I kissed him again, getting more and more into it. I slammed the door closed with my foot, and I pressed Harry against the wall. I placed my hand on the back of Harry's neck, and I knew I was supposed to be feeling like I was finally moving on, and forgetting about my troubles. But the whole time, I couldn't help but think about Louis.


"Oh my God" I breathed out.

"Wow." Harry panted.

We were laying in bed, quite naked. I could faintly see my newfound confident dissolve and I couldn't believe what I'd just done.

I got out of bed making sure to wrap the comforter around me. I kept my back faced to Harry and I quickly slid on my bra and shirt.

"Where're you going?" Harry asked, snaking his arms around my waist. I swatted them away.

"Stay turned around!" I instructed.

I quickly slid on my pants and tied my hair up in a bun.

Harry also got up, and slid his boxers, jeans and shirt on.

"Okay, time to go" I said, basically pushing him out".

He raised his eyebrows. "Well...hey, I thought I could maybe spend the night" he smirked.

"Um, yeah no. I have a lot of stuff to do so..."

Harry stopped in his path and gave me a look. "What the hell is going on? One minute you're all over me, and the next you're kicking me out?"

Okay, now that I thought about it, maybe I wasn't being fair to Harry.

I sighed. "Look I'm sorry, okay. I just, need to figure some things out.

"Okay well," Harry spoke, grabbing and putting on his shoes. "When you figure things out, let me know. In the mean time, I don't want to be some rebound, okay? Just know, I really like you, and I do care about you"

Astonishment washed over me as I heard Harry speak those words. "Okay" I said quietly.

He nodded. "See you, Victoria"


After boiling some water for tea I was making, I turned on the tv and searched for a show to watch. I decided on The Carrie Diaries, and turned my phone on while the show was on commercial. I saw that I had 2 new messages. One from Rosie and one from...Louis. There it was, that feeling. Like I was getting hit by a boulder, or jumping off a cliff. Some people call it butterflies, I call it fear. Well, same thing really...

I opened Rosie's message first and smiled when I read it.


Movie tomorrow? I wanna see that new kick-ass film, That Awkward Moment with Zac Efron! <3 text me when you get this!!! xoxo

Then I opened Louis', which was sent nearly 2 hours ago.


Victoria, words cannot even describe how sorry I am. Or maybe they can, seeing as how horrible I am at expressing my feelings. What I did was vile, horrendous, heinous... I am deeply, deeply ashamed and disappointed in myself. I don't expect you to forgive me, but I do hope you can hear me out. As unimaginable as this sounds, I'm crazy about you. Ever since you walked in those doors with that fierce look in your eyes and those damn lips, I instantly fell for you. Something about you makes me want to exceed in life, to just live it. You're extraordinary, Victoria. Simply breathtaking. These are many complications with my desires, though. Age, titles, goals...but I'm willing to overlook that, and maybe you can to. If you let me, I'll be the best I can be for you.

I had to read that paragraph three times over before I soaked in every word. Part of me, the much bigger part, wanted to jump into Louis arms and grasp the passion and joy that came with it but the other part of me, the more restrained and stable part knew I shouldn't allow myself to fall for him. I couldn't.


Thanks goodness this all happened before the weekend. And I'd spent it hanging out with my friends and having a blast. This is what I needed. No guy drama, no heartbreak. Just me and my girls.


Monday morning. The day ever girl, or even guy dreads. The realization hits you as you realize you have to go back to that place. School. But my situation was different. While most people wanted to avoid classes, homework, drama and mean teachers, I needed to avoid my ridiculously hot boss.

I'd spent a good 20 minutes deciding on which outfit I would wear when I finally found one.

Tight-but-not-to-tight-for-a-middle-school denim skinny jeans, a vintage band T-shirt with a little bit of cleavage that would expand at times when I was alone with Louis and a light jacket.


My nerves were't doing a very good job at calming down as I entered the classroom. Louis was sitting at his desk when I walked in, and his eyes brightened a bit when he saw me.

"Victoria, hi" he scrambled up, knocking a few papers down.

He came up to me, and gave me a small smile. His eyes lingered down to my chest for a moment, but he brought his gaze up, and I could tell he was having a hard time. Oops.

"How, how are you?" he asked me.

"I'm good".

"Did you, uh, get my message" I could see the hope in his eyes.

'Yes..." I said hesitantly at first. "And I appreciate it, I so, so appreciate it"

I have him a seductive look and began to walk closer to him.


I cleared my throat as I walked out of Louis' classroom, stumbling as I slipped on my shoes. So that didn't go as planned.

"I can see you". A familiar voice called out to me.

I turned around to face Rosie, and she was smirking at me.

"What?" I asked her, trying to appear natural.

"Don't 'what' me! Sex hair plus walking out of Louis' classroom plus having to put your shoes back on?! You banged him!" Rosie whisper-shouted.

"Shush!" I said dragging her into a corner. "You can't tell anyone"

"Duh" Rosie rolled her eyes. "Sooo, how was it?!"

"Agh, I was so not supposed to do that. I thought I'd just kiss him you know, because he wanted me to be honest about my feelings for him, and then it felt sooo good to kiss him so then I like, totally had sex with him!" I revealed, hiding my face behind my hands.

"That is just something alright!" Rosie laughed. "So are you guys like, a thing now?"

"Not at the moment, I don't know what we are but as of right now, I'm gonna say 'friends with benefits'"

Rosie scoffed, nudging my in the side. "You bad, bad girl"

I shook out my hair. "We're making a stop for the bathrooms, I need to brush my hair. I do not need anyone knowing I had sex in a middle school classroom"

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