Chapter 8

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Alex Pov.
    "Here you go M'Lady." Avery spoke as she helped me into the car and gently closed the door once I was in.

We haven't been driving long, but my mind felt like it was going at a million miles per hour. I was thinking about everything. Like what if my parents freak out. They always said I wonder who the lucky man would be. I mean they wouldn't have a problem with it, would they? And how will they react knowing that it's Avery -the fricking Princess! I mean really what if they don't like her or that they don't like me being with her. I mean they always talked about me eventually finding Mr. Right... I then felt Avery's warm touch and I saw her hand. She felt very comforting.

   After a few more moments I started to trace patterns on her skin. I liked the feeling she left in my skin when we touched. I liked what she would make me feel just from being close to her. She was strong yet gentle at the same time. She was like no other. After a few moments Avery turned her hand so her palm was facing up and it was like an instinct to hold her hand. I didn't even have to think twice.

   I have her a quick smile and then I went to looking out the window. I began to think a lot more. Like what if my parents don't like that my mate is a girl. What if they don't like Avery cause she's a girl and they think that I should be with a boy no matter what her tittle is. They wouldn't do that tho, right? I mean it's not like we control who our mates are. Mom and dad never said anything against them. Like what if they flip out. Avery squeezed my hand, her hand felt so right, I then looked at her.

She pulled the car over and all I wanted to do was cry. What if my parents don't like my mate. What if they think there's a mistake or something. Avery's touch feels so right and what if they can't live with us. I mean I never talked to them about liking girls. Technically I've never liked either gender until Avery. I noticed the car was pulled over and I heard Avery's voice.

   "What's up? Alex, Princess, Alex what's the matter. C'mon talk to me baby. I'm here for you, Alex, do you hear me?? It's okay, I promise whatever it is, it's all gonna be okay. You're going to be fine, I promise. Nothing going to happen to you. Just talk to me, I'm here for ya." She spoke in a worried and caring tone.

I was now fully in tears. She is the best and all I hope for is that my parents like her. I hope my family likes her....

   Avery took both of our seat belts off quickly. She pulled me out of my seat and on top of her, so I was basically straddling her. My arms automatically went to her neck and I began to cry. I just hope everything goes well. Avery held me until my breathing became normal and my tears ceased. She kissed the top of my head and then I slightly pulled away to look at her kindly.

   "Talk to me, Alex. I'm here for you. Just tell me what's up. Just talk to me." She pleaded with me and I could sense how she was worried and wanted to help me.

"I'm worried about what my family will say. Like they always talked about me meeting Mr. Right. Like if they don't like us being together. What if they never want to see me again. Most importantly, what if they don't like you. The one thing that feels so right. What if they don't like you-" I ranted on about my worries until I felt a delicate pair of lips on mine.

The kiss was small and it wasn't a full make out. It was just one that was slow and filled with emotions. When the kiss ended it left me craving more.

"You're cute with all your worries. I'm sure they won't be like that, trust me. Let's say for some odd reason that they do, then we still have each other. I still have you. You still have me. We can get through anything together. When you tell them, I'll be right here, by your side through it all. So let me rephrase that, when we tell them. I'm here Alex. Now let's go and tell the parents the big news." Avery responded with adoring eyes.

"You're right, I shouldn't just jump to conclusions and stuff. I should just tell them and we can all go for there. I mean we can tell them." I replied with a small grin.

I suddenly felt this bigger pull towards Avery. I felt our bond growing stronger. We were building our relationship. The feeling was weird, but it was a good kind of weird.

"Are you feeling that too?" I spoke with curiosity.

"Yeah I am, our bond is growing and forming more." Alex replied with a smirk.

I got out of her lap after a few minutes of staring at her. She kept ahold of my hand and she drove the car. The ride over to my place was made in silence. Not an awkward silence, but a comfortable and peaceful one.

When we pulled up to my home I noticed both of my parents cars were there. They probably already got notified from the school that I wasn't at class or something. Knowing my family they probably have some of my older family members out looking for me throughout the town.

Avery let go of my hand as I stayed in the car not moving. She came up to my door and opened it. She helped me out of the car and held my hand as we walked to the door. I then pulled my hand away to knock on the door.

"This is it." I whispered as I was getting ready to knock on the door.

Hey babes,  just another chapter for you guys and more on the way. Remember to comment and vote. You can also Personal Message me if ya want to talk about anything, I don't bite, well mostly lmao. I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far!

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