sequel from the book, How Could You?*
Ari (POV)
Im back! Yes, its been awhile but im gonna catch you up on whats been going on. Me and ty are still going strong. He still plays for Miami Heat and we still live in Miami. As you know tyson lives with his mother casey, and london still lives with me. Chris, her father has been doing good also. he got a job now that pays good money so he moved out of that apartment and got him a house worth 500,000 dollars. he got him a girlfriend now so he is really doing well. london still sees him every weekend. by the way london is now 4 going on 5 and her birthday is today.
as you guys know i lost my baby in a car accident, but i got pregnant again, and my my new born baby boy is 2 years old. his name is Brandon and he looks just like ty. i mean exactly! he has none of my features but my skin color and thats about it.
Tina, who was the girl ty cheated on me with still helps me with my foundation and were not close anymore however. she went on this radio interview and was talking shit about me so nope were not friends but she still helps out.
It was me, Ty, London, Brandon, Honey, Chris, Trell, and a lot more people. we were at my house for Londons's 5th birthday, which is a very important birthday for a child.
Honey was helping me decorate...Honey is a friend of mine i met through ty. we met in LA at Lakers game and she was hella cool.
"alright people are starting to come so turn the music on" i said to honey. she nodded her head and went to turn the radio up
i went to go change london into her birthday outfit and let me tell you my baby was looking cuter than most adults. She had on a Pink Hello Kitty shirt, with Black skinny jeans, and Pink jordans. i curled her long jet black hair, and put a pink headband on her head. i painted her nails the night before, switch were black and pink. i gave her her Pink Dora bracelet and a hello kitty necklace to put on. i almost cried just looking at her grow up so fast. Then brandon ran into the room. he was only 2 but this lil boy was a busy body.
"brandon go to your daddy to go get dressed. company is starting to arrive" i said to him. he just starred at me as if i was talking spanish. i laughed and picked him up and i held london's hand. we came out the room and everyone was eating and talking to one another
"london go outside in the back and play with your friends ok?" i asked her. she nodded and ran off. i went into brandons room and changed him
"hey baby" ty said coming from behind me. he kissed my cheek and i picked out brandon something to wear
"you were suppose to be here getting him ready"
"my bad babe, i was too busy tryna make sure the bouncy house was up for the party" he said kissing my neck
"its ok" i smiled. i put brandon on a Red and White Last Kings shirt, with Nike sweats, and Fire Red 5s.
"my lil man looking just like his daddy" ty said picking brandon up. brandon giggled as he twirled him around
"he already looks more like you than me, now yall matching clothes" i chuckled. ty had on a Last Kings shirt that was Black and nike pants on with black nike flip flops
"you mad cause he look more like me than you. its not my fault" he joked
"whatever" i smiled "go on brandon go play" he ran out and it left me and ty alone
"thank you ty" i said as i pecked his lips
"for what?"
"being a good dad and a good husband"
"no problem baby, i love you"
"love you more" i kissed him as he wrapped his hands around my waist
"come on lets go out here, and see what everybody's doing"
we walked out hand and hand to see all our friends and family associating and talking
i need 5+ Comments to continue updating this!
ok this is the book for how could you?
i know its been a while but im bringing this series back so i hope you guys like