Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I got out of my car and walked up to my locker. i saw my best friend, Tracie, walk up to me.

"hey cammie!" i smiled. Tracie was very optimistic. She there will always be a good side in everything. It might annoy some people but thats what I love about her.

"hi tracie"

"So, did you get any more dreams about Tristan" she asked waggling her eyebrows.

"Yup. But this time my dream was shorter"

"how can you tell?"

"i dunno. It just feels shorter?"

We got our schedules from the office and looked at it.

"Oh, no!!!! i got biology as first period. ughh!!!! my worst subject right after summer!!!" Tracie complained.

"shoot. I got Algebra"

"well, at least THATS better than Biology"

"thats because you're good in math"


"Oh, no. Sorry Cammie. I need to go now. Mrs Walter will KILL me. Talk to you later?"


she smiled, "great. tell me all about the dream later, k? bye"


I walked to Algebra and took a seat. Mr Matthews came in late, as usual. All throughout math, I was thinking about Tristan. The way his black hair falls on top of his gorgeous gray eyes and how...

"Ms Williams! Ms williams! are you even listening to my class?"


"is that a question or an answer?"


"fine. this is a warning. next time you'll get detention"


"okay, there goes the bell. tomorrow, we'll discuss more about polynomials. You're dismissed"

i got my backpack and headed out of the classroom. the rest of the day went by too slowly for my liking. I didn't do anything but think about Tristan. I was too excited to go back to bed and back into his arms.

I headed to cafeteria just after the lunch bel rang. Looking for my friends, I saw them sitting in one table, all of them were talking. I smiled, my friends were the craziest people i ever knew. There's Martha, the bookworm and the smartest in our group, tracie, the optimist, sam, the funniest and the prankster, enzo, tracie's boyfriend and sam's partner in crime and lastly, me.

I sat down beside martha and listened to their conversation.

"Superman is a better superhero. At least he has powers" tracie said

"No, he is not. Who cares about powers anyway? Batman is totally better. He's got all these awesome gadgets and stuff. Superman has a kryptonite" sam countered

"Superman is obviously better. Without the gadgets, Batman is just a lozer in a costume"

"No!!!! Batman is better"

"No, Superman is"



"Guys!!!! stop with all the yelling. geez!!! they're both the best. can you guys please be more quiet, i'm trying to read!!!" Martha said looking up from her book.

"humph!!!" tracie said, crossing her arms

"I think superman is better" I said

"see? she's awesome like me. only lozers like you would like batman"

"So, you're calling me a lozer?" enzo asked tracie raising his eyebrows

"You like batman too?" she asked surprised


"ha! ha!" sam said sticking out his tongue

"real mature" tracie said rolling her eyes while Sam only smiled triumphantly and proud.

We continued talking about random stuff until the end of lunch.

"Bye guys! see you tomorrow!" I waved before getting in my car and driving home. Dismissal was after lunch today because it was the first day of school. I got out of my car and walked up the pathway and into my house. I couldn't wait til I was asleep. I already miss Tristan.


Authors Note: SOOOO, thats tristan in the side it you were wondering. oh, and as i promised, i made it longer. i hope you enjoyed it. Please vote! and comment! or else you're not nice. jk!:)


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