Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

We were walking, hand-in-hand, by the water's edge. The beach was so beautiful at this time of day, during the sunset. Cliche, i know, but it doesn't matter. Nothing matters. All that matters is that I'm with Tristan now. 


"yeah?" I look up and see that his face is full of emotions- happiness, love, contentment and......sadness? "what's wrong?"

"I.....never mind"

"Come on, Tristan. What's up? You know you can tell me anything"

"Its just that I dont want to worry you"

"Tristan, it's alright. You can tell me anything" I assure him.

"okay. Just dont worry, alright?" He finally gave in.


"Its just that I...."


I woke up to the sound of the alarm. WHY?!?!? Now I’m never gonna know what Tristan was about to say. Ugh!!!! Another day without my beloved Tristan. I hope today is better than yesterday.


the table of my group of friends.

“Hey Cammie” Tracie greets me. Everyone else was immersed in a conversation.

“Hey guys”They look up, finally acknowledging my presence. “Whatcha  guys talking about?”

“Did you know that there will be a new student here, in Cambridge high?” Peter asks me. Peter is Martha’s boyfriend. He didn’t eat lunch with us yesterday because he just came back from the vacation in the Philippines two days ago and he was feeling jetlag so they let him come to school today instead of yesterday. Peter is the quarterback of the school’s football team. We once asked him why he wants to eat with us instead of eating with the other football players and cheerleaders. He always says that even though he’s the quarterback, it doesn’t mean that he has to eat with them. We just let it go.

“Really? I never knew that. When did you hear this?”

“Just this morning. The guys from the team were talking about it earlier, says his name is Tristan Gold” Woah, his name is just like Tristan, from my dreams. Wait a minute, something feels wrong. I can’t remember Tristan’s face. WHY?


I left school right after the dismissal bell rang. I still can’t remember his face, his beautiful features. Anyway, I’ll see him later when I sleep. But something feels so off. I wonder what it is. I’ll just figure it out later.

I arrive home within a matter of minutes. I get my bag and walk up to my front porch and into my house. My house isn’t they best, but its home (Ron said this from Harry Potter 2). I see my mom sitting on the couch watching tv with my dad in the living room. My parents own the local pet store. They love animals, one of the many common things between them. Other than my loving parents, I see Rafael, my 3-year old brother, playing with Spot and Chichi, our dogs, in the floor of the living room.

My mom looked up at me and smiled “Hey Sweetie. Wanna join us? We’re watching Kung fu panda”

“No thanks, mom”

“you sure, you’re gonna miss all the kung and the fu. Hiyah!” I swear, my mom can be such a kid sometimes. “Still not convinced, ay?” I shook my head. “Well, I got it all wrong, we’re not watching Kung fu panda, we’re watching kung fu panda….2. Convinced?” I laugh.

“Nope” I said, popping the p.

“Okay, Steve, you’re up. She’s a tough nut to crack”

“Just leave her alone, Catherine. She’s a big girl now. She’ll watch it with us when she wants to” my dad told my mom.

“Yup, that’s right” I said.

“see? And she’ll not get ice cream later because she won’t watch it with us. But like I said, she’s a big girl now, she can handle no ice cream, right?”

“DAAAADDDDD!!!!” I whine. I love ice cream and he knows that. As much as I want to win, I admit, he’s good.

“what? You said you don’t want to watch it with us, therefore, no ice cream”

“fine, I’ll watch it with you guys” I said plopping on side of the couch. “But its because you’ll give me ice cream later, right?”

“sorry hon, we’re out of ice cream” Ugh!!! My dad is just as worse as my mom. But that’s why I love them.


Author’s Note: I introduced new characters and this chapter’s much, much longer. Thanks to Christmas break and a little pursuation from my friend, louise (yeah, you) and my sister, Sophia (yeah, you too). Sophia has a book, here on wattpad too with her friend, ginni. Its called pair of twins. You should Read it.

Okay, from now on, I will be putting random things in every chapter. Today, I’ll put a nice quote from one of my favourite books, divergent. Its by veronica roth. It super nice and I suggest you go to the local book store/shop and buy a copy NOW if you haven’t read it yet.

Anyway, here’s the quote:

“We believe in ordinary acts of bravery, in the courage that drives one person to stand up for another”

On the side is Cammie~~~~~~~~~~>>>>>>>>>>>>>

merry christams!!!!!:)


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