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People awaited for 6 long months for dazzling of the thunders. The soil of Mewar screamed for water.

"Mewarnath, 6 months passed by, still there is no sign of rain nor cloud is coming. We don't know what will happen next. People in desert areas are dying of hunger, Ranaji. If we can't do anything, epidemic will break down across the Mewar. We can't let this happen."

Ministers sighed in grave sadness. Mewarnath's face clouded with unwanted fear.

The curtains slipped from there. The curved door of Krishna Mandir slowly closed behind by the soft hands of the princess. The sound alerted the surroindings it was time for penance. Her melodious voice spread over the whole Palace of Chittor.

"Aayenge woh taaran haar, banke tumhare,
Har lenge dukh peeda kasht yeh saare,
Aayenge woh taaran haar......"

The hopes around the palace couldnt but gather near the closed gate. They stood mesmerized over the lyrics of the hymn and the voice. The scorching and killing thirst seemed to be less.

The children in the Mahal merrily played 'Pittu' with all their energy. But they stopped in a sudden. They looked up to see the dark shadow passing above their heads. And the thunder struck. Smile of amusement and disbelief spread among them. They looked at each other in wonder.

"Maasa!! Bijuria aayo hai bijuria!"(mom, the thunder has struck!)
The little feet ran to their homes and one of them to the temple.

"Baijiraaj! Rain has thundered! Open the door!"

Her eyes opened from the prayer with the thunders in the sky. Her face adorned with a pearl smile. She ran to the court which she just overheard. Her ankled jingled and her long drape slashed. She panted while entering into the meeting abruptly. And the eyes rounded to her as she entered like storm.

"Da-Dajiraaj! Rain-rain started! There-there wi-will be no epi-epidemic in Mewar!"

She panted while saying the sentence. Everyone dazzaled with smile as again the thunder signalled for monsoon. Monsoon were more than elixir and valuable than any jewel in this world for the desert areas in Rajputana. Only the Lord was the grain, and rain for them. And He heard the penance.

Manikarnika held her father's hand and dragged him to the outer courtyard of the Palace where the raindrops merrily fell on.

"See the ploys of Kanha, Dajiraaj! He strolls water from the sky even!"

She touched the drops rolling on the pillars.

"Where is your mother? Won't she enjoy the rain?"

Rana Uday Singh asked his eldest daughter.

"All think this is rule of nature, but I know, this is penance of Masa!"

"And yours also, Krishnaa!"

Her sister rather than a friend Subhadra answered.

She was born near the bank of river Damodar, bank Manikarnika, while performing a 'yagya' for their family and state's well-being. Her father had decided, if it will be a boy, he will name him Damodar, if a girl, then Manikarnika. But her mother had chose the name 'krishnaa', matched with her idol, which was never chose officially. But she would call her by that name only, and Subhadra sometimes had called lovingly with that name.

"I only prayed not pain my mother more, He just liatened that!"

She smiled mouth to ear. Her immense faith in Krishna and herself was what made her different from others. Her father caressed her head. Her sparkles in eyes hold something else; born for something. And what is it, only the future, and her Kanha knew.

Mewarnath: The Lord of Mewar

Ranaji: The King of Mewar. This word is used instead of Raja or Maharaja widely in Rajputana especially in Mewar for Ruler. This title earned its glory fron Rana Sangram, Rana Kumbha and Maharana Pratap who ruled over Mewar for centuries.

Pittu: A type of indian game

Dajiraaj: Father

Maasa: Mother

Baijiraaj: A name of respect for Rajput princesses.

Yagya: A sacrificial fire to attain purity.

How was the first look, readers? Please give your reviews! Let me know the mistakes I made.

You can enjoy this amazing music lyrics I gave! It is taken from Siya ke Ram. Let me know in the comment box if you need the meaning of the lyrics!

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