Mermaid Spell 5~

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This is not my spell,

All credit goes to MermaidChloe on SpellsofMagic.

Items you need:

3 pieces of seaweed
1 tbsp of sea salt
3 cups of water
A bowl
8 seashells
A necklace (preferably with a shell on it)
A scented candle (any will do)


1. Fill the bowl with your water and light your candle.
2. Finely chop the seaweed and add it to the bowl.
3. Add your salt.
4. Put in your necklace.
5. Place the shells in a circle around the bowl and sprinkle sand in the gaps.
6. Stand with one foot on each side of the circle and chant this spell:
Mermaids and mermen of the sea
Listen carefully, hear my plea
When I go swimming in the sea
I would like to have a tail, not two feet.
And when I'm finished in the sea
Please let my feet return to me.
Please help me achieve my goal, my dream
Mermaids and mermen of the sea
Listen carefully and hear my plea.

7. Bend down, take your necklace out of the bowl and put it on.
8. Say the last two lines of the spell.
Now, whenever you wish to transform you must wear your necklace and submerge your legs in water before saying the last two lines of the spell.

Side effects are unknown.

Time frame is unknown.

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