Chapter Three - The Last Day of Term

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The end of term was approaching quickly.

I had talked to Lauren pretty much every day of the week. At school she would often yell out "Scollap!" when I walked past. Derek would always say "Who is that crazy chick?".

I guess everything really started on the last day of term, September 23. It was the day that I decided I liked her.

On the way to school I was thinking to myself "Well, I like her, I guess I'm gonna have to tell someone. Derek knows her, but Derek's got a loud mouth, so Jake and DJ would find out pretty quick. Jake would tell DJ, and DJ would tell Jake just as quick. Maybe I shouldn't tell anyone..."

It was a Friday 2, so we had Art in Period 1. We walked into our Art room, JC1, and Jake, DJ, Derek and I all took our seats at the front of the class. Once Ms. Binyon got us into our work, I started talking to Derek. "Do you like anyone at the moment, Derek?"

Derek looked at me. "No, why? Do you like someone?"

Now, I know it was just a normal question, but since I'd decided I liked someone, and I wanted to keep it to myself, I felt as if Derek sensed I was holding something back. "No! Of course not, what makes you think that?"

"Michael" Derek said to me, "I may have fluked the Telescope test, but Iamsmart, so don't play dumb with me. Who is it?"

I sank to the bottom of my chair in defeat. "It's Lauren Kiery".

Derek tried to keep the laughter inside himself. "Lauren Kiery? Bro, you've only known her, what, a week? That's crazy!"

"Calm down, man" I said without confidence. "I only like her a bit. Plus, she's ALWAYS saying hi on Facebook. Shemustlike me".

Derek couldn't keep the laughter in this time. "Ahaha, that's hilarious".

"What" I said. "What's hilarious?"

Derek then proceed to mimic me in a high-pitched voice. "She's always saying hi on Facebook. She MUST like me.Bro, that's possibly the funniest thing I've heard you say".

"Yeah, whatever man. And one more thing, my voice isn't even high-pitched".

Derek giggled a bit more. "I don't care, it goes well with the voice".

After that, we both got on with our work, not talking about it anymore.

Unfortunately for me, after twenty minutes Derek decided it was time to live up to his reputation of being a horrible secret keeper.

"So, Jake and DJ, has Michael told you guys who he likes?"

I punched Derek hard in the arm. "You’re a dick, you know that?"

Derek burst into a fit of laughter. "Yeah, I do know it".

While I went berserk at an unstable Derek, Jake and DJ didn't notice that Derek had spoken.

Eventually, the two of them were curious to know why me and Derek were arguing.

'Oi, you two. What's going on?" Jake demanded.

Now, I'm gonna have to explain something here. I don't like to put it like this, but alot of the time, Derek can be Jake's little bitch.

Well, I guess that's not entirely true. It's just that Derek is notorious for doing stupid stuff in class in order to impress Jake. Whenever Jake wanted to know something or wanted someone to do something stupid, Derek felt obliged to satisfy him.

Now, let's get something straight, I like both of them. Derek is bloody hilarious and Jake is a top bloke, but the two of them together is a deadly combination. And I mean DEADLY.

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