Chapter Seven - Holiday in Numurkah

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I was in the car with Mum and Ryan on the way to Numurkah.
Matt and Dad were in Matt’s brand new Saab. Matt needed to get used to the car, and a three hour drive to Numurkah was the perfect opportunity.

I’d been inboxing Lauren the whole way (as usual) but eventually the network I was using for inboxing changed from 3 to Roaming, and it was time to say goodbye for a week.

Now, we both know I wouldn’t be able to do that, so soon enough I was back and talking to her.

I managed to keep off Facebook for the rest of the day, but the next morning, when I woke up, I couldn’t be bothered getting out of my comfortable bed, so I just stayed in it and tried to get back to sleep.

Eventually, I realised that my phone was sitting on the table next to my bed, fully charged and waiting for me.
I picked it up, performed the unlock combination, and got onto my Mobile Internet. I saw that I had six messages from Lauren. She said that she was going to write me a story about Scooby-Doo (which she is obsessed with).

She got around eight lines into the story before giving up from boredom and saying goodbye.
I straight away inboxed her, asking if she was going to call that night. She replied an hour later saying that she would.

When the time came, I was in the living room with the rest of my family. I looked at the digital clock of the coffee table and saw that it was 7:50 pm. Lauren was due to call at 8. I decided that now would be a good time to go outside and await the call.

I got my phone out of my pocket and stood up to leave.

“Where are you going at this time of night?” Mum asked accusingly.
“I’m waiting for a phone call” I answered honestly.
“Are you waiting, or are you calling?” Mum asked, as if I had already confessed to making the call.
“No, I’m receiving” I said, and then put on my runners.
Dad was in a flustered mood, as usual. “And where exactly in the resort are you gonna go? Don’t forget we’re watching Attack The Block tonight”.
This caught my attention
“I’m gonna just walk around the mini-golf course (the mini-golf cause was situated right outside our villa). I’ll make it quick” I promised.

Once I had my runners on and had finished tying the laces, I was outside and sitting on a bench in the middle of the mini-golf course.
Suddenly, I felt the mobile phone in my hands start vibrating and I looked at the phone.
I was expecting to see “Lauren Allchin calling” but instead I saw a home-phone number and realized she was using her home-phone.

Smart girl” I thought to myself.

I pressed the green phone symbol and answered.

“Hello?” I heard the familiar voice.
“Hey, it’s me” I replied.

We started talking, as usual. Unfortunately, after around 10 minutes, she had to go.
She hung up and I was left sitting on a half-wet Mini-Golf Hole No.8.

I went back to our villa just as Dad started Attack The Block.

“So I didn’t miss anything?” I asked.
“Not a thing” Dad said grudgingly.

I was wondering why Dad was angry when Mum whispered “We forced him to wait until you got back before we started to movie”. She added a wink to the end.
“Thanks” I replied.
And then we all sat down and watched the movie (which was actually really good).


The next day, me and Matt got up early and went to the pool for a quick swim, spa and sauna (a personal routine we both do).

We got there and both threw off our towels and dived into the ice-cold waters, which woke us up and evicted any sleep that was left in our bodies. We did laps up and down the pool, sat on the floor of the pool, threw a tennis ball and did underwater laps. As soon as we were done, we got out of the pool and entered the spa.

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