Chapter 4

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After changing I slowly made my way back.

When I was close I could hear them arguing with Austin. I couldn't exactly make oit what they were saying but before I entered the room I heard Austin saying,"Shh we got company."

But how...

I stopped thinking about it as a silence settled over the room so I went in and played it cool.

"Ok I'm ready. Hope ya didn't miss me to much."I calmly stated as everyones eyes were on me.

" everything ok. Am I dressed correctly?" I asked as all the boys wouldn't stop staring.

"Oye! Eyes up here," I gesterd to my face.

Cole just smirked at me before he stood up from his seat.

"Come on guys she's not for sale." He quickly said and I nottised Austin smirking and looking at the others. They just started giving eachother knowing grinns.

Ok...super weird. Next time I'll where my long jeans.
"So where we headed?" I asked after we split up into two groups and hot the road with seprate cars. We were in the lead.

By we I mean me,Cole,Ben and ofcourse...Austin.

Ben called shotgun and Cole was driving whitch left me at the back with Austin.

This morning I notised his eyes were a very shockinly lighter yellow type of colour. Did he get contacs?
He sat on the left side whilst I sat on the right.
He's been silent the whole ride just staring in front of him but sometimes he would glance over to my side thinking I wouldn't notice.

"The Spot." Cole replyed to my question.

"The Spot?" I asked with confusion.

"It's where we like to chill,hang out and be boys,ya know?" Ben this time replyed.

"Ya it's a spot by the waterfalls we discoverd. So I hope you have your swimming gear." Cole added.

"I don't. Why didn't you tell me I could've packed it in!"

"Don't worry we got your back." Cole said handing me what looked like a bikini.

"Ya, I don't think so. Do you have something that actualy looks lile clothes?"

"Relax it's just us," Ben retorted with a smirk.

"Ya I don't compleetly know you so..."

They all just laughed and I could almost see Coles protectiveness over me spark but he covered it with a grin.

"Fine! But if any of you even think of touching me I'll rip off your dicks and force feed it to you! That is if you even have." I warned them smugly.

"Don't worry Bells. No one touches my fav cousin without going through me first."

We all just laughed at that well all but Austin.

He just gets weirder by the minute but at the same time more interesting.

The wrest of the ride was silent.

After about another 10 minutes we finaly got to wat looks like an open forest and then we finaly got to an open spot with a lake and if look a bit too the right you would see the waterfalls they talked about.
It looks amazing!
My breath was taken away. The way the sun glares on the water making it look like it's twinkling.

"I love it!" I exclaimed.

"If you love this wait till you see the pools at the top of the waterfalls!" Cole said.
"Well we'll go and wait for you at the top. You can change in the car;" he added.

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