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Zanes pov
Me and Garroth had cuts here and there. We we're banged up. Garroth kept laughing at the situation. That idiot can never be serious. We arrived at are rooms.
I laid on the bed and read a book. Garroth looked at me from the corner of the room. I ignored him. Soon I saw him jump on me. "What the fuck?!" I exclaimed. "Well I was bored." He replied. "Okay. But when I'm bored do you see me fucking tackling people? No! So get the fuck off me!" I said. "Well I just thought we could smash are faces together. On purpose this time." He said with a wink. "Why would I want to go through that again?!" I said. "Sorry. That sounded better in my head. I just wanted to do this." He said as he randomly kissed me. I kicked him off the bed. "Oww!" He exclaimed. "What is wrong with you? I'm your brother?!" I said lifting my mask to cover my blushing. "S-sorry I just thought you felt the same after the hula accident." He said sitting on the floor. There was dead silence. I sat beside him and said "Maybe I do..." He pushed the hair from my face but jumped back. "Sorry forgot about that." He said. "It's fine just kiss me." I said.

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